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Anyone wanna make me an avatar?

richohealey's Avatar
Python Ninja
0 0

Jus think! it's your opportunity to be able to say "I made the great and powerful RichoHealey an avatar!"

but egotism aside i'm sick of my current one and REALLY suck at graphic design.


zi_hunter's Avatar
.:The French Ninja:.
0 0

What colours or design you want ? ( .jpg / .gif … ) Precise your choice please ;)

richohealey's Avatar
Python Ninja
0 0

ha ha sorry.

umm jpg is fine, i'm not big on animation.

ummmm as far as colors… i don't know… like i say i suck at design.

maybe black and red to match my skin on my PC?

umm really i'm curious to see what people come up with.

so yeah.

ghost's Avatar
0 0

i just did this as practice. use it or dont :)

richohealey's Avatar
Python Ninja
0 0

the only thing i don't like is the text.

alsoe :TEST:

    testing tabs for new python article

def insult (name = 'ted'):
    name = raw_input("what's your name?")
    print "damn i hate you %s, you are such a buttmunch" % (name)```

ghost's Avatar
0 0

is this better?

richohealey's Avatar
Python Ninja
0 0

hells yeah! love it now.

is that full size though?

it'll look blocky :(

also is it hosted somehwere where i can hotlink it or do you want me to host it?

richohealey's Avatar
Python Ninja
0 0

hells yeah! love it now.

is that full size though?

it'll look blocky :(

also is it hosted somehwere where i can hotlink it or do you want me to host it?

EDIT: this might double post, i hit stop halfway through the request.

while you're here comment on my other thread about the new python articles

ghost's Avatar
0 0

ya, sorry i made it a little small. its hosted on tinypic… if you want it somewhere else you can. i dont care.

richohealey's Avatar
Python Ninja
0 0

thanks bigggnick!

ghost's Avatar
0 0

no problem, glad you like it.

i made a new one with more pixels, hopefully this will make it less blurry.