Welcome to HBH! If you had an account on hellboundhacker.org you will need to reset your password using the Lost Password system before you will be able to login.


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ok today i will show you how to make a web 2.0 looking login that looks like mine on http://www.outlaw-web.net/admin/login.php ok start up photoshop and create a new file with the following settings

then create a soft white rounded square like this

then right click on this layer and do right click>blending options

then with a medium gray color select the rounded square tool and do the following

now add the following settings through right click>blending options

now take an image and paste iit at the top left corner of the picture like so

heres the image i used

now add some text and a shadow if you like

then use the slice tool and slice the picture in two parts the first part from the top till the end of the login logo

now save the file for web with the following settings

now open the webpage in notepad or frontpage(i used frontpage)

now add [HTML]<center>[/HTML] and [HTML]</center>[/HTML] after the [HTML]<table>[/HTML] and [HTML]</table>[/HTML]

now do [HTML]<td background="your previous image.jpg" width="300" height="170" align="center">[/HTML] instead of the [HTML]<td>….[/HTML]

then add [HTML]<form action="login.php"> <b><font color="090FF">Username:</b> </font> <input type="text" name="user" size="37"> <br> <b><font color="090FF">Password: </font>

</b> <input type="password" name="password" size="37"> </form>[/HTML] instead of the &nspb; crap

now save your page and vwolla there you goi please tell me how you like my tutorial so i can make more