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Sig needed

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ok so im here today to ask the members of hbh, if they could scrounge up a sig for me including my name, there one thing tho im going to be using it on my site too, so it eather has to go with the style of, http://www.freewebs.com/bigpimping66witch is the main index and also the pagehttp://www.freewebs.com/bigpimping66/test.htm witch is a template i jacked from freewebs so i wanna find a sig that has my name in there and that would work well with both if someone could help it would be good also yhou could use it to get some points on hbh. thanks.

im thinkin staying with the original one though so i would focus more on the index.htm one ( witch is the first of the two. ) hopefully someone here can lend a hand