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Fresh green grapic - :D

ghost's Avatar
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I made a graphic in photoshop, they say images can tell you more then a thousand words, so here it is:

Please give comments, I am trying to improve my PS skills.

Thank you

ghost's Avatar
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i like it tho it's realy basic (i mean in colors and forms) but my sig is basic too so maybe that's just what i like about it :)

ghost's Avatar
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I'd say the graphic is quite good, if a little bland. Try making it more exciting, more effects, more colours.

Oh, and no offence, but whoever told you THAT image was worth a thousand words, then sorry, but they lied.

ghost's Avatar
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BobbyB wrote: I'd say the graphic is quite good, if a little bland. Try making it more exciting, more effects, more colours.

Oh, and no offence, but whoever told you THAT image was worth a thousand words, then sorry, but they lied. <– Haha lol :P

Thanks for the comment ;) Maybe a hundred will do anyway..