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Does anyone know any good sites or tutorials etc. on skinning applications?

I know there are plenty out there, but most of them are kind of like, only useful if you've done something similar before, I'm looking for something newbie friendly, aimed at a complete beginner.

Also, any other resources/apps/methods/etc. would be very appreciated :)

ghost's Avatar
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MoshBat wrote: Am I to understand skinning as colours of game characters? (It means rolling a joint over here) And you'll need Image Manipulation tools, too. I've not done much myself, but I did do it on Halo.

What app are you using?

haha Well it does here too, but I figured that'd be difficult to do on a computer..

errr, I should've been more specific.. I meant application skinning.. e.g. reskinning windows (as terrible as that example may be) or Trillian.. I can't seem to think of any decent examples

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sudo vim ~/.appfolder/theme.conf

or look in /etc/.

Edit: "trillian skinning" in Google returns: tr.im/yGMx

ghost's Avatar
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MoshBat wrote: I used to have a small guide on Windows themes. If anyone has a copy, that would be appreciated… Thanks, Fritzo, for that. Cunt.

Makes much more sense now.. I thought it to be an odd one..

I'd appreciate that if anyone could get that guide you mentioned..