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HBH Graphic Competition

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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Alright everybody we have a new competition starting now. We need your graphical expertise to design some new and creative images to be used on new HBH merchandise (t-shirts,mugs,posters,stickers, etc).Graphics should include Hellboundhackers or the web address www.hellboundhackers.org (Obviously) Somewhere in it. All the entries will be gathered and we'll take the best of the best and post them so everyone can vote on which ones they like.

Please use the following guidelines for images: Use .png format. 960x960 or 10x10 in @200DPI (So they can be resized and cropped). Also would like to see a few, 2208x3360 or 23x35 inches @200DPI (For posters).

As a bonus incentive, All members who submit a "Good" image will receive 10 community points for each entry.

Prizes: 1st place = 100 Points + possibly an extra prize if it's really damn good! 2nd place = 75 Points 3rd place = 50 Points

Maybe more places will be added depending on quality of images

Please upload your images to an image hosting site (Photobucket, Imageshack, etc) and send the link to me. The competition deadline will be set for 9/30/2009. This gives everyone plenty of time so let's get moving and be creative. Good luck to everyone and let's see everyone get involved!


Any comments or suggestion feel free to Pm me.

Futility's Avatar
80 122

So I guess the EM members didn't respond to this as well as you guys hoped, eh?

Also, since the entries are being sent straight to you, korg, no one will know who submitted what. I feel that this would be a pretty kick-ass time to actually use the poll for something serious. Once the competition is over, you could number the entries and post them in a thread. Then ask which is the community's favorite and we'll be able to vote for the best one. This way the new guys won't feel threatened and everyone can feel involved. The restrictions are already in place, so it would be fairly difficult to mess with.

Or you can just choose, I don't really care. Just an idea I've been promoting since the Theme comp…

I remember a while ago some guys started working on graphics for the HBHCon and Cheese popped in and spat out a couple other rules. Something about graphics with more colors costing more to produce, and the like. Are we limited on what effects we use, or is everything A-OK?

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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It never even got started with the EM. With the voting that's actually what I plan to do. Gather up all the submissions and have either cheese or I pick out like the best 10 or so. Then we can post them so everybody can vote on which one they like the best. The members are picking the winners here.

elmiguel's Avatar
2,795 1

From my experience in print, (if this actually goes to print) It should be in in CMYK. Most print shops use CYMK. Also in depending on the style of print you should consider how many colors you are going to use. For example: Hats, Logos on stickers, Business cards should be limited in color choices since it could look bad and unclear in the end. For shirts, what kind of print are you going for? There is alot more involved then just making the pictures you have to know where its going and what type of print shop it is going to: Lithography, Web-Offset, Flexography, Screen? This information will make it easier for us to design around the print shops setup.

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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I plan on members voting via the forums. The screening place supports all types of imaging as far as I can see, They do the conversion work for print.

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
0 1

unlike the current hbh t-shirts, which are screen printed. i.e each colour is a seperate screen and some special heat gel is used. so its super professional ;)

the t-shirts etc on this place are effectivly a posh heat transfer. so any colours can do, but its best to stick to few colours, darker the better so it does not fade in the wash.

posters, stickers, mugs, etc etc etc.. go mental! use which ever colours you want.

im really keen on seeing some awesome hbh posters! i'd buy loads of them!

elmiguel's Avatar
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Lets do it up!!!

spyware's Avatar
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Futility's Avatar
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Bah. It's much harder to actually make a logo/picture than it is to randomly create an awesome background. I might actually have to plan out what I'm going to do ahead of time rather than just pressing a couple buttons like usual…

stealth-'s Avatar
Ninja Extreme
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I think posters would be a kick ass idea, as long as they were well designed. Personally, though, I'd never buy any clothing. Unfortunately I have no graphics skills in any shape or form, but im really interested to see what the rest of the community comes up with,

Good luck guys :)

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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stealth- wrote: I think posters would be a kick ass idea, as long as they were well designed. Personally, though, I'd never buy any clothing. Unfortunately I have no graphics skills in any shape or form, but im really interested to see what the rest of the community comes up with, Good luck guys :)

What you won't wear HBH t-shirts what's wrong with you? People you don't need to be a graphics expert, Just whip something up, Experiment with it and you might have something cool.

stealth-'s Avatar
Ninja Extreme
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korg wrote: [quote]stealth- wrote: I think posters would be a kick ass idea, as long as they were well designed. Personally, though, I'd never buy any clothing. Unfortunately I have no graphics skills in any shape or form, but im really interested to see what the rest of the community comes up with, Good luck guys :)

What you won't wear HBH t-shirts what's wrong with you? People you don't need to be a graphics expert, Just whip something up, Experiment with it and you might have something cool.[/quote]

Well, I'd just have a hard time explaining to everyone that I see that about my shirt. I kinda try not to broadcast the word hacker to avoid having to explain it so often to people who wont believe me anyways, :angry:

However, I've been meaning to try to learn some graphical stuff to make up for my absolute failure at any other type of art, so maybe if I think of something and try to put into inkscape or something.

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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Hell I wear my shirts all the time. :o

korg's Avatar
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I myself prefer black (Matches my ski mask) but That's up to cheese.

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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MoshBat wrote: why do you wear a ski-mask? Too ugly? ;)

No, Still hiding from your mom! :o

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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Back on topic. Let's go guy's I want lot's of entries for this. I want to see some cool work, Now move it!

ghost's Avatar
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Can we submit more than one entry?

Futility's Avatar
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korg wrote: As a bonus incentive, All members who submit a "Good" image will receive 10 community points** for each entry**. I assume that means yes.

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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EgyptianCleopatra wrote: Can we submit more than one entry?

You can submit as many as you like. The more the better.

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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Just got 7, Yep 7 nice entries from DOSed. Thanks! Also one from KVK. One from jelmer.

Everyone get at least one in.

ghost's Avatar
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:) yep and im workin on some more!!! im in it to win it!

ghost's Avatar
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Cool, im guessing that i just pm the entires directly to Korg? anyways, this looks fun. :D

ynori7's Avatar
Future Emperor of Earth
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TheMonitor wrote: Cool, im guessing that i just pm the entires directly to Korg? Don't guess, read. The first post has all the instructions.

korg wrote: Please upload your images to an image hosting site (Photobucket, Imageshack, etc) and send the link to me.

ghost's Avatar
0 0

thanks man. Yeah, lookin' at the original post i should have read a tad more. smacks head

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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Received, That's one for TheMonitor.

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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A little over 2 weeks left let's get some more people involved here.

tbaybucs's Avatar
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my 2 cents are in

ghost's Avatar
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just pm you my work korg, hope you received it :)

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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Got them, also quite a few more!

ghost's Avatar
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i might have a go at this :) sounds fun. (unless its to late?)

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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Deadline is this Thursday. Already got some good ones so let's get more.

ghost's Avatar
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does it all have to be made from scratch?

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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Do whatever you like.

ghost's Avatar
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thats what i was thinking, but he said do what ever so…

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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I was more talking about using backgrounds or renders not stealing pictures from somewhere else. Although most protected images are clearly marked and your not able to rt. click them. <Yeah right.

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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Just to let everyone know, DOSed is kickin' some serious ass here, 10 good entries so far!

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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MoshBat Posted:
Still, I had to have you covered, didn't I?


korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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One day left I want it on top and don't you ever correct me again. LOL

ghost's Avatar
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Yaaaay competitions.

Fuck yeah activity.


korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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MoshBat Quotes:
Could just have written there's only a day left

BECAUSE: Today is the last day, (extended for outstanding entries) I will take submissions till the end of today (EST), Then sort them out and post them for everyone to vote on. Oh yeah, you do give nice head, Thanks.

tbaybucs's Avatar
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okies got my 8 cents in :P you guys rock !!!

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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Ok, Competition is over! Got some really good entries from you guy's great response, Thanks. I will sort these out now and go over them with Mr.Cheese and post them by number (So there's no bias in who made them) In the forums this weekend so everyone can vote on their favorite ones. Again Thanks to the people who took time to contribute!

ghost's Avatar
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uhhhmmmmm its not the weeekend anymore! lol wheres the pics!?

  • i have no patience* :D

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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Got a bit busy this weekend, Waiting for Cheese to go over them. I will get them up real soon.

Futility's Avatar
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korg wrote: Waiting for Cheese to go over them. I will get them up real soon. Oxymoron?

Anyway- try not to rush it. I mean, I'm not suggesting we forget about the contest and let it die (when was the last time that happened?), but it was two days. Over a weekend. I'm pretty sure HBH isn't korg's first priority on a weekend.

yours31f's Avatar
10 0

I have to agree with Mosh, Nothing gets done quick around here.

ghost's Avatar
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Tbh, This is the exact reason I didn't enter anything.

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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Wow a couple days go by and people get negative, Thanks guy's. As promised here are the submissions, I shoved them on T-35 to save space in the forums. Pick the one you like the most and post the number it has: http://korg.t35.com/Graphics/

Vote one time only. The numbers will be totaled and points given on 11/1.

PS:There's nothing else on the site so don't get excited.

ynori7's Avatar
Future Emperor of Earth
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The first half of them were really simple, but the second half was better.

I'm casting my vote for number 11.

ghost's Avatar
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Number 13 right here

stealth-'s Avatar
Ninja Extreme
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I think number 2 would be best for clothing, such as an left breast emblem or on a hat.

stealth-'s Avatar
Ninja Extreme
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MoshBat wrote: I'm with Spy on this one. I happened to like one. I take it this list is a narrowed down one?

And did anyone else notice that two were actually the same, and about six or seven were very close?

Also, what did I say about copyright? http://www.wired.com/images_blogs/threatlevel/images/2009/04/07/myspace.jpg

Yeah, I noticed alot were similar, too.

And Lol, the one I like happens to be the one that was commercially made :( In that case, my vote has to go to #8, even though I agree with spy and moshbat that non of them are really top grade stuff, although I can't say I can produce much better, personally.

shadowls's Avatar
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My vote i son 15. It's kinda corny but i like it.

fuser's Avatar
0 -1

numbers #17 and #19 are the ones I like best, and I think 19 looks good for a poster.

yours31f's Avatar
10 0

I liked 17, 19, and 20 (except 20 was hard[er] to read).

My vote goes to 17.

SySTeM's Avatar
30 0

#8 :)

ghost's Avatar
0 0

I like number 20; might go good on a mug or something.

Just out of curiosity, what will you do in the event of a tie?

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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My favorite is number 010 simple yet cool. Put 10 on the front of a t-shirt and 8 on the back IMO.

Considering this is a security site and not the photoshop forums, I think the guy's did a nice job with there designs and at least tried to contribute to the community, Thanks again to all who submitted.

tbaybucs's Avatar
0 0

i like number 17 simple yet effective but for mugs and shirts dunno

my vote # 17

ghost's Avatar
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Number 8.

ghost's Avatar
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korg wrote: My favorite is number 010 simple yet cool. Put 10 on the front of a t-shirt and 8 on the back IMO.

Love this idea!!!

I vote for…

number 10 (front shirt) and number 8 (back shirt)

number 4 for a poster

number 17 for like coffee mugs!

GTADarkDude's Avatar
0 0

My vote goes to #14 (for a poster or something). Although it hasn't got anything to do with HBH, it's (according to my opinion) actually not that bad. It deserves at least 1 vote, for the effort. ;)

fashizzlepop's Avatar
0 0

20 or 11 and then 9. And kudos to 12. I love it.

ghost's Avatar
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Dang, lots of these look so much better than mine. But all i have is gimp xD. (mine is number 18…the super basic one). Im not too talented with graphics.:D

stealth-'s Avatar
Ninja Extreme
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MoshBat wrote: [quote]TheMonitor wrote: Dang, lots of these look so much better than mine. But all i have is gimp GIMP is just as good an editor as Photoshop. Plus, with all those damn plugins available…[/quote]

I have to disagree with you there. Although gimp is a awesome project, and personally I would rather see photoshop burn to the ground before gimp, I do have to admit I found photoshop better. Not by alot, though, gimp is definitely a good contender.

I'm sure that the fact that it's commercial has alot to do with it, and like I said I support gimp instead because of the open source, linux supported, free software it provides, but unfortunately, even with all those great values, I think it still has a while to go to beat photoshop.

Futility's Avatar
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MoshBat wrote: We all have our own tastes, but I can do anything that Photoshop can do in GIMP. My thoughts exactly. Well, almost exactly. So not really exactly at all… Anyway- the way I see it is as follows:

Photoshop is better if, and only if, you know what you're doing. It's got tons and tons of options hidden under layers of menus and advanced witchcraft. GIMP does, too, but considerably less, from what I've heard from those adept enough to master it.

But here's the kicker- for those of us who aren't level 40 spell breakers, they both function nearly the same. Their basic toolsets are extremely similar and they both can get the job done. As long as you're just using something to play around with, it doesn't really matter.

ghost's Avatar
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I am sorry to say this, but they all suck. They look like they were created by children, which they probably were anyway.

stealth-'s Avatar
Ninja Extreme
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xZyph wrote: I am sorry to say this, but they all suck. They look like they were created by children, which they probably were anyway.

Try blender if you want something with a confusing interface. The thing looks like a space ship control deck.

tbaybucs's Avatar
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xZyph wrote: I am sorry to say this, but they all suck. They look like they were created by children, which they probably were anyway.

too bad you cant control whom signs up huh :P

ghost's Avatar
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One idea i was tossing around in my mind, but unfortunately (:() did not have enough time to create, was very original compared to these. It was a person (non-gender specific) in a black hoodie with the hood up-to create an anonymous feeling-hunched over a laptop. On the laptops screen, which is the only source of light in this otherwise black picture, would be the top logo of the HBH website.. I think it would be very cool to see on a black shirt. Then "www.hellboundhackers.org" could be put in a grey/white font along, for lack of better term, waist cuff of the shirt. In my opinion most of these designs aren't good enough to be placed on merchandise, because they aren't patterns. Just to throw that idea out if ya'll are planning on making some stuff. If you want I can make a rough draft of my idea, after I gain some proficiency with photoshop/gimp because I have never used either in my life. :happy:

ChioDoS's Avatar
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I like #10 myself, Looks cool. I think people who don't like them shouldn't post. They probably didn't do any anyways.

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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ChioDoS wrote: I think people who don't like them shouldn't post. They probably didn't do any anyways.

I agree this is for voting. If you don't like them don't vote and or comment.

ghost's Avatar
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Don't be hatin' on some criticism, nigga.

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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Nigga, This isn't the ghetto mofo. People who didn't contribute don't deserve to use criticism.

ghost's Avatar
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I agree with Mosh on his previous post. GIMP has literally tons of plugins, all of which i do not have (yet). I'm not the graphics person i guess.:|

ghost's Avatar
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Come on guys, this isn't the place for this conversation. Start a new thread if you want to go on about image editors.

ghost's Avatar
0 0

Let me rephrase my last post then.

If these so-called logos were created for me, I wouldn't have spent a penny on printing any. And yeah, if I was around when the competition was active, I might have joined in on the contributing, but I wasn't.

ghost's Avatar
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xZyph wrote: If these so-called logos were created for me, I wouldn't have spent a penny on printing any. Well then I guess it's lucky for you that they weren't made for you. Your complaints are unhelpful. If you like them, vote. If you don't like them, don't vote. It's really not that difficult of a concept.

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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@xZyph I don't remember asking for your opinion so keep it to yourself. I thought I posted in english that this thread is for VOTING only. Next off topic or criticism is getting a warn, That's enough.

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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last few days to vote! If you haven't voted on the graphics yet please have a look and vote now. Like to have everyone involved. Thanks

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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Voting is over, I'll add them up and post the winners accordingly.

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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Well it appears we have one big ass tie! Graphic 08, 010 and 017 have the same amount of votes. To be fair I would ask everyone to have one more look:http://korg.t35.com/Graphics/ and vote again ONLY for 08, 010 or 017 please. Even if you don't care for them vote for the one you think is the best. Will take voting Till the 15th, so vote now, Thanks.

My vote is still 10. Dig it!

ynori7's Avatar
Future Emperor of Earth
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Well, I don't think 17 would make a very good T-shirt or mug, so that one is out for me. I guess I like number 8 best of those three.

stealth-'s Avatar
Ninja Extreme
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When does the voting finish?

Edit: nvm, just read the shoutbox

ghost's Avatar
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My vote: 08

stealth-'s Avatar
Ninja Extreme
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I vote for 8, I can see that as a poster in my room….

ghost's Avatar
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I vote for 8. It would make a good shirt or poster

ghost's Avatar
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tbaybucs's Avatar
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since it is a tie, if it isn't the same person just have them make another one or use 1 for each - t shirt-mugs-poster ??? other wise # 17

ynori7's Avatar
Future Emperor of Earth
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tbaybucs wrote: since it is a tie, if it isn't the same person just have them make another one or use 1 for each - t shirt-mugs-poster ??? other wise # 17 They might, but they at least need to decide who gets first prize.

ghost's Avatar
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or allow another entry for a tie breaker :)

ynori7's Avatar
Future Emperor of Earth
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bdafae wrote: Ugh.

Lemur, you whip something up will you? Or we could just assume we're going to break the tie using the method that the guy running this competition said.

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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ynori7 wrote: Or we could just assume we're going to break the tie using the method that the guy running this competition said.

Yah, Think. The rules are set. People had there chance to submit graphics already, this voting is for points in the comp.

If people want to do more fine, send them to me and I'll throw them in the folder. Mr.Cheese may want to use one but NO more submissions for the competition.

ghost's Avatar
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I was joking…

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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One day left let's vote for the one you like to give the points to the people who participated.

ghost's Avatar
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i vote for 8 :)

ChioDoS's Avatar
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mine is 17.

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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Well the voting is over and we have a winner. I've added up the votes and it seems everyone has pretty much agreed on #8, designed by DOSed!

So first place and a 100 points go to DOSed for this entry:

Second place and 75 points go to tbaybucs for this one:

And believe it or not third place and 50 points is also one from DOSed:

I'd like to thank all who participated in the competition, Some great work if you ask me. Mr.Cheese will have the complete folder with all the graphics (even the ones that were too late to enter) So keep an eye out for some new stuff to buy! Thanks!

stealth-'s Avatar
Ninja Extreme
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W00t, lets make the first one a poster!

Nice job, DOSed :)