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just some tat ideas

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just going to keep you posted with my tat designs, slowly, maybe after a few months i will finally finish something that will be able to be placed permanently on my body. ive been doing crappy little ones since early year 10.

this first one is the beggining of playing with whitespace. I have previously never had more than one shape as a design, but now on in, i'll be testing and trialling different aspects of over lapping tribal patterns.


Uber0n's Avatar
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I like the style - but I don't think it would hurt to add something more to it. It's almost too simple imo ;)

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I like Jin Kazama's (Tekken) tattoo on his arm.

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thronworld wrote: more shapes and different use of whitespace. Now you're talking ;) looks great!

richohealey's Avatar
Python Ninja
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We should meet up, i'll show you my tats.

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Try to stay away from tribal

Its not highly respected in the tattoo world.

Its sort of regarded as a cop out.

Design something intricate and personal.

It gives it the 'wow' factor when people see it. Where as everyone has seen tribal =]

(Btw my partner is a tattooist, so thought i would put in my opinion)

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thats cool. but for me, tribal is personal, tribal drawn by me is my personal individual mark that expresses me. my brother has two of my designs incorporated into both his shoulders. i see tribal as being timeless for myself. id prefer every person to to be having a tribal tat, and for me to have one aswell thats been designed by me, rather than be individual in the group purely for the sake of being individual, not for being me. also things like asian symbols that mean sweet fuck all to me personally as they are not me, my background. i could go on for ages cycling through different imagery words symbols, all of which i have considered and none come anywhere near my love for tribal. as for* ' give people the wow factor when people see it, they've all seen tribal' * comment, i disagree with, as my tat is not something designed to please others, or to let them see something 'original' like a naked midget leprechaun(please tell me no-one has one of these). its designed by me, to give an exterior depiction of ….me, and tribal is my way. in short, im not staying away from tribal, and this tat idea isnt something i started thinking about last week.

(soz if i sound anal, just havnt slept more than 6 hours for the previous 72+)

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this one is not so much a tat idea, as it is a play with lines, and 'what' does not work. the 'y' shape here is horrific and breaks the flow of things. Also the outer left shape has too many inward 'notches' that are not evenly spaced out. so yeah, really just another fuck around with shapes. http://petergoldsmith.deviantart.com/art/t3-85424788

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awesome man, go the elements.

nothing better than a tat u can be read, and read again in the cough 69 cough orientation

ghost's Avatar
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they are good designs dude! please don't think for one minute i'm knocking them!

I thinks its cool that you are designing them yourself, its just that not many people design there own tribal, most of it is done in shitty tattoo shops where it is picked off the wall, and likely hood is that some guy down the park has the same one.

I gave my ideas to my artist and she drew up what i had in my head. nothing was picked off the wall, i can imagine nothing worse than bumping into some fucking chav with the same ink as me.

But anyways. tattoos are personal to you, so crack on if thats what you want. Join us inked ones =]

and if your from the south (uk) i can hook you up with an awesome artist =]

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Skunkfoot wrote: I'm getting this one sometime this summer:

Just incase you didn't know, this was used in the book Angels and Demons, the prequel to Divinci Code (Dan Brown).

It has apparent relations to the Illuminati, whether this is true or just from fiction like the book, I don't know. Still, if you've read the book, ambigrams (which is what this is called, an image that reads the same both ways up) are quite common in it. I love the idea myself, I once sat desgining ones of my name in school when I had nothing better to do, they know cover the back 3-4 pages of my RE book. I don't really go for tattoos myself, but if I do get one it will probably be an ambigram of my name or something.