LINUX -- Screenshots --
Here you go boys n girls, netfish's newest screenshots. Enjoy:
netfish wrote: Do you want me to write an article on how to fully customize any linux distro? If can if there's a demand for it.
Yes please!
One of the main reasons I don't use linux is because of the effort needed to customize. I don't have the time to read dozens of articles online for one decent customization when XP-Pro is doing what I need, plus is now SEXY.
webspider wrote: It would be cool, if you could merge Backtrack with Dreamlinux. That would be the perfect distribution for hacking and multimedia.
Well, since that was off-topic, I might as well be…
This is quoted straight from DreamLinux's site:
Being a modular system Dreamlinux allows you to add new modules comprising your preferred applications and build a new Distro that meet your requirements by means of its revolutionary MKDistro tool.
Oh, and a bit more than "I agree" and OT'ing would've probably made for a better post.