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LINUX -- Screenshots --

ghost's Avatar
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spyware's Avatar
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Text shadows and too much opacity changes are confusing/irritating imo. Nice desktop nonetheless.

ghost's Avatar
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sex :p

ghost's Avatar
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lol dude that was really random. but now ill have to do it ^^

ghost's Avatar
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mrnoobs new laptop(why it doesnt have icons on it):


ghost's Avatar
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mines sexier than mr. noobs ;)

ghost's Avatar
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Why dont you guys customize the look and feel of your desktops. You leave it so plain (and virgin) looking. It's linux. Tweak it!

Do you want me to write an article on how to fully customize any linux distro? If can if there's a demand for it.

ghost's Avatar
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I would install/messaround with beryl, but that laptop is approaching 8 years and couldn't take it. I'm relatively new to linux (about half a year). Once I feel more comfortable using the everyday things I'll move on to customization. A nice article to accompany my learning would be nice…

ghost's Avatar
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I don't have beryl running on that OS (Fedora 7). Simple customization. Meh, I feel an itch to make an article such as that anyways.

ghost's Avatar
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i think ill get the hang of linux before customising it :)

regret's Avatar
Attack-Vector Perl
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If you need some insight for a Window Manager customization article, I can help if you want to include fluxbox/blackbox into it. They've been my WM of choice quite a bit. PM me.

ghost's Avatar
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That would definitely be an interesting article… especially if it included Fluxbox and XFCE.

ghost's Avatar
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netfish wrote: Do you want me to write an article on how to fully customize any linux distro? If can if there's a demand for it.

Yes please!

One of the main reasons I don't use linux is because of the effort needed to customize. I don't have the time to read dozens of articles online for one decent customization when XP-Pro is doing what I need, plus is now SEXY.

ghost's Avatar
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I second the request for netfish's article. :)

webspider's Avatar
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I agree with that, too. It would be cool, if you could merge Backtrack with Dreamlinux. That would be the perfect distribution for hacking and multimedia.


ghost's Avatar
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webspider wrote: It would be cool, if you could merge Backtrack with Dreamlinux. That would be the perfect distribution for hacking and multimedia.

Well, since that was off-topic, I might as well be…

This is quoted straight from DreamLinux's site:

Being a modular system Dreamlinux allows you to add new modules comprising your preferred applications and build a new Distro that meet your requirements by means of its revolutionary MKDistro tool.

Oh, and a bit more than "I agree" and OT'ing would've probably made for a better post.