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cat memo.txt | grep "netfish"

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My uttermost thanks goes first and foremost to:

MR_CHEESE for providing an entertaining community/site, and making it an enjoyable experience by making constant backups and recoveries to the corrupt/stolen DBs over the years. Cut him some slack fuckers!

**SKARECROW **inactive who doesn't go here anymore, but easily the smartest member, and who has also taught me a lot about the hidden web and its technologies.

**JAKE ** inactive RIP moda fuckah! I enjoyed feeding your bot n00bs' hashes, now I use rainbow tables, just because they keep reminding me of Mozzer's multi-colored hats idea that failed!

In addition, my respect goes to: Zeke_Teh_Freke (convict, lol), The_Flash inactive, Wolfmankurd inactive, Spyware, Bouncer inactive, AldarHawk inactive, Hack4u banned, Arcube, HackThis59 inactive, Only_Samurai, RichoHealey, Sleazoid, System_Meltdown, lesserlightsofheaven, cubeman372 inactive, sp00ky inactive, WilleH [small]inactive, Chislam [small]inactive, Frozen_Flame [small]inactive, Placebo, Korg, Anarcho-Hippie [small]inactive

Thanks for entertaining me with you code/jokes/tutorials, guys. To my dear (inferior) whiteh8z and skiddies, I am sad to leave you. I will dearly miss you!

One of your mates encouraged me to move on and provide no more help to the rest of the punks running around asking people how to h4x. http://www.hellboundhackers.org/forum/viewthread.php?forum_id=19&thread_id=10219&rowstart=0

I will now have more time to concentrate on my priorities: Coding, Hardware Hacking, Mind Hacking (Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, Remote Viewing/Sensing, Psi/Chi).

Catch me on IRC/AIM if you wanna moan/groan about your laziness and ignorance.

Shoutz/Greetz to real hax0rz: Stitchup, Strayfe, Stax, Gumbie, T-Metal, Tw7tch, Dr.Optix, ReVoLT, IndulgentSyss, etc …

"Never sell out, never surrender. Knowledge is power."

spyware's Avatar
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Peace, I'll catch you on IRC/MSN.

ghost's Avatar
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ghost's Avatar
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I will do my best to keep in touch… your "priorities" sound quite fascinating. I have respected your knowledge in the past, and look forward to seeing more products of it in the future. Good luck in your future endeavors.

SySTeM's Avatar
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Peace bro :) Was good having you around the site :)

ghost's Avatar
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aww :( shame the noobs have finally got to you netfish. well, i hope you feel more suited to whatever you decide to move onto :)

goodbye and good luck :)

ghost's Avatar
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Don't let the door hit you on the way out! When I called you an ass for your first post in my thread, I admit you didn't deserve it. However, afterwards when you started acting like an arrogant jackass and saying "I don't like to be called names and you will learn the hard way" and now this thread, it just proved you are an immature ass. So go ahead and hack me, it will just prove how immature you really are.

ghost's Avatar
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nullbyte stfu. YOUR being immature, he said something, you said something, it was on a other thread DAYS AGO. Just forget about it…

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nullbyte00 wrote: Don't let the door hit you on the way out! When I called you an ass for your first post in my thread, I admit you didn't deserve it. However, afterwards when you started acting like an arrogant jackass and saying "I don't like to be called names and you will learn the hard way" and now this thread, it just proved you are an immature ass. So go ahead and hack me, it will just prove how immature you really are.

No, he backed down gracefully. You're proving yourself to be an immature ass. In fact, why don't you just shut the fuck up and leave the site, too? You're a snotty little piece of shit that likes to talk crap to people when they're trying to give you honest advice. You're just like every other fucking noob on this site: that's why he left. Because there's a mass of sorry-ass noobs that are wholly ungrateful for any input they receive.

You know, I don't blame him for leaving, either. If you think you're unique, nullbyte, you're wrong… there are a million other annoying fuckers like you on this site. And they all SUCK at hacking because they'd rather talk immature shit.

So, just take your pathetic attitude and get the fuck out. That goes for the rest of you clones, too.

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Zephyr_Pure wrote: No, he backed down gracefully. You're proving yourself to be an immature ass. In fact, why don't you just shut the fuck up and leave the site, too? You're a snotty little piece of shit that likes to talk crap to people when they're trying to give you honest advice.

For the 3rd time, I already said that I was out of line for calling him an ass for his advice. But now he is calling me a n00b and is blaming me for his leave. And it is funny how hypocritical you are :)

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nullbyte00 wrote: For the 3rd time, I already said that I was out of line for calling him an ass for his advice. But now he is calling me a n00b and is blaming me for his leave. And it is funny how hypocritical you are :)

You are a n00b. What do you expect? You're cocky and ignorant.

It's funny how hypocritical I am? No, it's funny how dense you're being. I wasn't referring to you being out of line about his advice. Maybe if you'd actually think instead of automatically reacting in ways that you feel are appropriate… no, sorry, that's asking too much of someone as lazy as you.

My conversation with you is done. I hope you enjoy the ensuing flame sessions that will inevitably follow you around the forums.

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Zephyr_Pure wrote: You are a n00b. What do you expect? You're cocky and ignorant.

How am I cocky and ignorant? Is it because I'm trying to defend my points?

Zephyr_Pure wrote: It's funny how hypocritical I am? No, it's funny how dense you're being. I wasn't referring to you being out of line about his advice. Maybe if you'd actually think instead of automatically reacting in ways that you feel are appropriate… no, sorry, that's asking too much of someone as lazy as you.

I called you hypocritical due to the fact that you called me snotty, which I assume you called me that because I was getting angry with netfish, but then you started cursing at me like crazy.

Zephyr_Pure wrote: My conversation with you is done. I hope you enjoy the ensuing flame sessions that will inevitably follow you around the forums.

I have no problem arguing with people if I have to.

spyware's Avatar
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It's not nullbyte00's fault, he's merely a victim of the mass. Who's to blame? Not you, but all of you.

ap101's Avatar
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Bye Netfish, we never talked but I hope your future is as awesome as any ^.^

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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Good luck on your endeavors my friend. Sure gonna miss your articles some of the best reads on the site. Maybe I'll catch up some time and do some bitchin' Been fun having you around.

richohealey's Avatar
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ok guys, let's keep it a bit on topic.

And netfish, this isn't going to be a big goodbye, because i know we'll keep in touch, so instead it's going to be a public display of my respect.

well….. shit… i didn't really think about how exactly i was gunna do the public display….. just take my word for it, k?

Talk soon mate.


ghost's Avatar
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I'm sorry but *grep netfish memo.txt * is shorter to type and does the same thing, no need to be redundant is there? Nope, no need to be redundant.

Flaming_figures's Avatar
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Peace netfish, I may not yet be a hacker, but I know the ones who are and the noobs and skiddies who rip apart the minds of us and almost make us turn to there ways. Great wishes (and with the whole psi stuff, careful not to stray the way of the Crowley ok? ;))

[edit] My ode to Netfish and HBH

Another lost, caught in the fight, The fight for hackerdom, and what is right. A noob drove the true hackers away, Few are left, but they soon will stray.

But yet, left standing are the Newbs. What are they to learn, but what is spoken by Noobs? The newbs simply wish to learn, But no longer are there those to turn.

The real hackers of today, Always go, they never stay. The skiddies with their flaming loud, The hackers leave, simply too proud.

But what about the newbish ones? The ones who's hackers souls are not overrun. The ones who may be true some day. But now all true hackers have run away.

[/end ode] tears My other version is harsher involving killing- er- Banning noobs and skiddies… (he he)


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WhiteAcid wrote: I'm sorry but *grep netfish memo.txt * is shorter to type and does the same thing, no need to be redundant is there? Nope, no need to be redundant.

Sharp. But if you are really sharp you should see that this command wouldn't return anything. There is no "netfish" in the entire post, so the grep should be failing.

If you look at it from a more psychological perspective however, one could argue that netfish used to grep command to search for a reference rather than an exact word.

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Flaming_figures wrote: My ode to Netfish and HBH

Another lost, caught in the fight, The fight for hackerdom, and what is right. A noob drove the true hackers away, Few are left, but they soon will stray.

But yet, left standing are the Newbs. What are they to learn, but what is spoken by Noobs? The newbs simply wish to learn, But no longer are there those to turn.

The real hackers of today, Always go, they never stay. The skiddies with their flaming loud, The hackers leave, simply too proud.

But what about the newbish ones? The ones who's hackers souls are not overrun. The ones who may be true some day. But now all true hackers have run away.

[/end ode] tears My other version is harsher involving killing- er- Banning noobs and skiddies… (he he)

this thread is now about poems that communicate the current state of HBH.


the tension of youth comes to tooth and claw. unenlightened wolves yowling for their fair share

of the collective tubular annals floating in pipes and packets of sand. grainbygrain, building alittleglassprisim. that shines, the rainbow. the rainbow.

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I still hate the majority of you.

SySTeM's Avatar
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Nirucesis wrote: I still hate the majority of you.

And you are…?

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> than j00

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woah, poems. this thread just turned very gay lol

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While not a hacker, nor really anyone of importance (a newbie) I thought I might throw a word in (call me strange).

I realize this thread is a few months old, so I apologize if this seems like I'm attempting to revive a "dead" thread.

Although I didn't know you at all Netfish judging by posts you and your fellow HBH members have posted I can only assume you contributed much to the community. I'm sorry that due to lack of respect and appreciation you felt like you had to leave. I'm sure that you will be successful in your further persuits, whether it be hacking or other life priorities.

"Never sell out, never surrender. Knowledge is power." Is a powerful mantra indeed, one to keep at heart in today's perpetually turbulent political environment.


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anonymous0x0001 wrote: While not a hacker, nor really anyone of importance (a newbie) I thought I might throw a word in (call me strange).

I realize this thread is a few months old, so I apologize if this seems like I'm attempting to revive a "dead" thread.

Although I didn't know you at all Netfish judging by posts you and your fellow HBH members have posted I can only assume you contributed much to the community. I'm sorry that due to lack of respect and appreciation you felt like you had to leave. I'm sure that you will be successful in your further persuits, whether it be hacking or other life priorities.

"Never sell out, never surrender. Knowledge is power." Is a powerful mantra indeed, one to keep at heart in today's perpetually turbulent political environment.


dude, why are you digging up old topics for?

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i think they should have something that deletes thread if no one views them after a set period of time. i saw someone revive a thread from 2005. now thats just stupid

shadowls's Avatar
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wow. thats old. They should code something to auto lock each topic after a certain amount of days. if im bored, i might work on on it and submit it and see if cheese will add it.

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I don't fucking care that I bring to life a dead topic >:]

I must let Netfish, If he still check this HBH, that I wish him good luck with all of his stuff.

Other shouts: system_meltdown, The_Flash, passwrdyserv, only_samurai, haZed, psychomarine, RoMeO and others they are to many…

And who I am? I'm Dr.Optix writing from someone else account :D

Have a nice day!

And not the last thing… sup Cheese

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Gestapo wrote: Other shouts: [snip] RoMeO and others they are to many…


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I forgot you Spy, well about your quote, each person have his own opinion, I respect yours :)

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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Nice to see someone kept that list of passwords that got jacked over a year ago. Not impressed jackass!

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wow holy thread necromancy. are you, sir, a necrophiliac?

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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No shit, I think it would be best if we coded up something to lock a thread after a certain amount of time.

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i agree with you korg, there must be a feature who looks threads older than idk 30 days?

and no i didn't keep that password list, this account is of one of my buddy

i use this because my account is banned :)
