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other 7 v2

ghost's Avatar
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Why not add something that does the same as in other 7 but then with a code example. Like have a rating of 7 at least.

ghost's Avatar
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People don't bother to rate stuff thatmany times.

ghost's Avatar
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Yeah I know, but still. This would encourage members to post more code examples.

ghost's Avatar
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sounds like a good idea to me but don't make the rating 7 make it 5 or 3 like the other 7 now.

ghost's Avatar
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I suppose but then most people will look at/ post code which is common, like 50 dictionary MD5 crackers, when really what you'd want is original code like the snowflake one system_meltdown ( first one that came to mind) done, or really anything the person wouldn't have had much help with.

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