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Read this before submitting an Other Challenge.

ghost's Avatar
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I would very much like if people actually read the Other Challenges before submitting them. I have now grown tired of declining submissions that doesn't fill the requirements.

For example, 99% of the submissions for Other 1 is regular images (non-animated) and doesn't contain a username at all. For me to accept a submission on Other Challenge #1, the image has to be animated and it has to contain your own username.

Please read before trying to complete something!


ghost's Avatar
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You have your reasons…

ghost's Avatar
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Cyph3rHell wrote: You have your reasons…

Yeah, and it's only fair.

ghost's Avatar
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korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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Design a colourful animated GIF image. The image must include your username

Sounds pretty idiot proof to me.

Futility's Avatar
80 122

korg wrote: Sounds pretty idiot proof to me. Bwahahaha! Oh how wrong you are.

You do realize this is HBH we're talking about, right? I can't count how many times I had to decline .jpg's, .png's, .mp3's… My personal favorite was a text document located on the person's PC. I mean, how the hell do they expect us to accept C:\Documents And Settings\I'mAnIdiot\mypicture.txt as an animated GIF file?

I guess I should also add to this thread that copying and pasting logic answers from… anywhere makes you look like a fucking idiot. You will be caught and you will be punished. If you have to cheat, can't you at least put some effort into concealing it? Maybe change a word or two? Or do you really think the admins are idiots?

ghost's Avatar
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I knew there were some pretty dumb people on this site, but if what you're saying is true then we need some kind of idiot test. Something to test common sense and if they dont pass, then label the motherfuckers as an idiot until they DO pass. This shit makes me very disappointed.

ynori7's Avatar
Future Emperor of Earth
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sharline23 wrote: I knew there were some pretty dumb people on this site, but if what you're saying is true then we need some kind of idiot test.

It's called Basic Challenge 1.

rex_mundi's Avatar
☆ Lucifer ☆
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Maybe it would reduce your workload if it was made clearer that before you click "check" , that it is an admin reviewing certain submissions , as opposed to an automated bot that everyone is then more likely to try to attempt to fool with some random shit .

ghost's Avatar
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rex_mundi wrote: Maybe it would reduce your workload if it was made clearer that before you click "check" , that it is an admin reviewing certain submissions , as opposed to an automated bot that everyone is then more likely to try to attempt to fool with some random shit .

I actually think this is a good idea, for other and logical challenges.

ghost's Avatar
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rex_mundi wrote: Maybe it would reduce your workload if it was made clearer that before you click "check" , that it is an admin reviewing certain submissions , as opposed to an automated bot that everyone is then more likely to try to attempt to fool with some random shit .

You are right, but anyway people should read the challenges description before trying it (not only for other challs).

ghost's Avatar
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ynori7 wrote: [quote]sharline23 wrote: I knew there were some pretty dumb people on this site, but if what you're saying is true then we need some kind of idiot test.

It's called Basic Challenge 1. [/quote]

knowing how to view the source of a page doesn't qualify you with having common sense. Obviously idiots have passed that test and still managed to be… idiots.

hellboundhackersok's Avatar
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Hmm. Requiring 100 points or more before allowing people to try the Other challenges would help.

Futility's Avatar
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hellboundhackersok wrote: Hmm. Requiring 100 points or more before allowing people to try the Other challenges would help. That is a stupid suggestion. Other challenges are (for the most part) the simplest ones. That's like putting a block on basic challenges because people keep saying they're broken. Why would you want to restrict access anyway? People are idiots, that's how it works. Making them earn a couple more points isn't going to magically change anything.

I know it's been mentioned before, but I say we set something up so whenever a new member joins, a PM (or by some other form of communication) is sent containing the rules, link to the FAQ, some mention of the helper bot, and a general welcome. Or, since writing a message such as that and getting it set to send out would be oh so much work and everyone's so busy, I agree with whoever mentioned that it should be specifically written somewhere that real people read what you send in.

ghost's Avatar
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I mentioned like two months ago that we should have an actual test on the rules and the faq. just a multiple choice quiz. It'll also give justice to the admins to give out more warn for stupid things. "You've been warned. You had a fucking quiz about the rules. Now suffer the consequences for being an idiot."

This would definitely go hand in hand with how people keep fucking up with the Other challenges.

n4melyh4xor's Avatar
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Futility wrote: [quote]korg wrote: Sounds pretty idiot proof to me. Bwahahaha! Oh how wrong you are.

You do realize this is HBH we're talking about, right? I can't count how many times I had to decline .jpg's, .png's, .mp3's… My personal favorite was a text document located on the person's PC. I mean, how the hell do they expect us to accept C:\Documents And Settings\I'mAnIdiot\mypicture.txt as an animated GIF file? [/quote]Man, we're crack mastas ultimate, he expected us to:

  • put on sunglasses
  • find a GET/POST/whatever request with his IP
  • find a vulnerability in his system
  • "cd C:\Documents And Settings\I'mAnIdiot\"
  • "rename mypicture.txt mypicture.gif"
  • download the picture
  • "rename mypicture.gif mypicture.txt"
  • remove logs
  • log out …disappointed with you guys.

Huitzilopochtli's Avatar
10 9

The worst thing is noobs that can't figure out how to use vulnerability scanners, without spamming the submission form with 200 sqli and XSS attack strings that need to be declined individually.