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lock picking

ghost's Avatar
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does any one know how to pick locks if so could you give me a tutorial or tell me how to get a lockpicking set of my own or evan how to build a lock picking set

ghost's Avatar
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I like to think I'm pretty pro, I've broke into my garage twice and broke into my house once. But I didn't pick the lock on the house I got in throught the window.. but I picked my garage before! :)

There was a forum I found ages ago I got to it from a link on Yahoo somewhere..

Lock picking gooood.

ghost's Avatar
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try www.southord.com

there lockpicks come with a turtorial sheet on how to use them.

ghost's Avatar
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I've never successfully picked a lock, but I've successfully bumped locks on more than one occasion. There are plenty of tutorials on Youtube or Google videos as well as written ones to read.

ghost's Avatar
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thanks for all the information guys and girls

ghost's Avatar
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the ultimate guide to lock picking has to be the MIT Guide. it is damn cool. just google it ;)

Uber0n's Avatar
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Lockpicking is a grat hobby - and you might need it someday :p

Ninja's Avatar
Broken Ninja
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newbee's Avatar
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Ninja wrote: bumpkey.

ressurection of a 5-year old thread ! :o

rex_mundi's Avatar
☆ Lucifer ☆
3,190 12

Thread Locked. Try picking that. tee-hee

Mordak's Avatar
Evil Sorcerer
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PICKED thumbs up

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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Double Picked. :o

Euforia33's Avatar
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lol tut