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Other 4

ghost's Avatar
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Hey, could you guys tweak the check script to allow for Iceweasel too? I run Debian Sid, and I'd like Iceweasel to be included too since it's the same thing as Firefox (just rebranded).

And yeah, I did change my user agent, to get the points, but still.

ynori7's Avatar
Future Emperor of Earth
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what difference does it really make?

ghost's Avatar
0 0

yeah, why does it matter? You don't see one for safari, IE, or Opera either so why should they put your suggestion in there?

ghost's Avatar
0 0

Iceweasel IS Firefox. Debian just couldn't use it due to branding issues. I just thought it'd make Debian/Ubuntu/Debian-deriv user's lives a little easier since they ARE essentially using Firefox.

ghost's Avatar
0 0

how about we change the whole site for you too while we're at it

ghost's Avatar
0 0

Firefox is available for Debian aswell, take it or leave it, your loss.