Microsoft Internet Explorer Users
:ninja:I wondered whether you guys think everyone has access to Firefox? Its not that easy.. Can you please help us by creating more tips for IE users ? Thanx for the help. P.S. I hate it whe someone says " If you don't have firefox then get it @ this link." At times we use restricted computers and can't just install software…
Portable firefox works from my usb drive @ school vista boxes, but they've password protected internet. I can logon via the popup box @ school, but I don't see any way of doing this with firefox as it won't connect to the school servers.
I'll get more info and pm you, richo, K?
and yeah, IE really really really does suck
ThorsDecree wrote: I can logon via the popup box @ school, but I don't see any way of doing this with firefox as it won't connect to the school servers.
Possibly check the proxy settings in IE? If you don't have access to Internet Options (which is likely), try checking for the registry key at:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings
Otherwise, you could try running netstat on the machine to see what connections are being initiated when you attempt to connect to the Internet. That could possibly give you some ideas on how to bypass it, or some ideas on what forced proxy machine you have to compromise.
FX portable imported everything but it won't go anywhere. I CAN get onto the local school's website, hosted on this network, (I could do that before, though), but I can't go anywhere else. It tries to connect but times out. I've tried to figure out what makes the password box come up, but as far as I can tell the only thing on the page is a javascript menu bar and links to a few php pages.
My school's website is
I didn't see anything useful in that reg key… any more suggestions?
I won't be able to be back here until about 4 or 5 hours from now… Engineering is my only comp class today :(
Zephyr_Pure wrote: Possibly check the proxy settings in IE?
… Otherwise, you could try running netstat on the machine to see what connections are being initiated when you attempt to connect to the Internet. That could possibly give you some ideas on how to bypass it, or some ideas on what forced proxy machine you have to compromise.
Maybe check the default gateway… could be the proxy. Anyways, try those things and see if you can scope out a bit more of the network layout and traffic. Also, is the pop-up a Javascript-like popup, or a Windows Digest Authentication pop-up (the kind used when connecting to network resources)?
ThorsDecree wrote: It's not JS, its a Windows thing. The page doesn't even have any js or links to js except for the navbar. If it was a js popup I would at least see it in source, and it would most likely work in fx.
I hate that they've got everything set up for IE lol… it's annoying.
Then, it's either Basic Authentication or Windows Digest Authentication, which means you are probably dealing with an ISA Server. As far as it being only set up for IE, it's likely just a proxy setting. Have you checked the proxy settings in IE? Run a tracert to Google to see the path your packets will take (possible proxies, default gateway)?
Please don't post anything further until you check the proxy settings in IE and run a tracert… I've already suggested this a couple times, and you've ignored it, though it will probably solve your problem. :happy: