New to the website
Hey! I just started at this website. My friend introduced me to it. I've been wanting to get into computer programming / hacking for a while, so I thought this would be a nice place to start. I've taken a class on HTML so I know a little bit in that field.
I've been hoping to learn alot about hacking, and I was looking for some good places, articles, and tips to help me start out on.
- Thanks
Welcome, you have all the tools right in front of you. To your left you have articles on just about everything you want to know. Yes, even challenges… Also there is a search option for the forum that will come in handy. Remember that google knows everything that this site doesn't so make sure to use it… A LOT!!!!! HAVE FUN:D
since you only know a little HTML you can learn it fully, among other things, at
Hello Rever. A good place to start if you want to hack is learn how websites/computers work. Learn a language like asp or php and get familiar with basic website structure, or if you want to make applications learn C/C++ or python. Good Luck, and remember, you won't become a hacker overnight just because you joined this site.
Learn HTML, just do the whole thing, until you can open notepad, get a few images and make a website (well… a page) that looks half decent.
Then i'd say PHP, its fairly simple to learn (although harder to master :p) and will really help, as its more of a language than HTML.
I think then i'd try either C or VB, C is much more powerful, but VB is simple, and good for beginners.
lukem_95 wrote: Learn HTML, just do the whole thing, until you can open notepad, get a few images and make a website (well… a page) that looks half decent.
Then i'd say PHP, its fairly simple to learn (although harder to master :p) and will really help, as its more of a language than HTML.
I think then i'd try either C or VB, C is much more powerful, but VB is simple, and good for beginners.
How far should I go into HTML? I know up to making tables. That's about it. I've been told to look into javascript by some members here and that has always caught my attention.
So my question is…
Should I take another course of HTML or go into Javascript? And is Java and Javascript the same thing? I'm pretty sure not but just checking.