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Submitting Challenges

ghost's Avatar
0 0

Simple question: do you guys accept challenge submissions or only when you run a competition? If I made some app challenges can I submit them?


jaggedlancer's Avatar
The Localhost Hacker
20 0

On the EM page it says - Oppurtunity to help with production of challenges but im not sure if that still applys

SySTeM's Avatar
20 0

The EM thing is mainly about beta testing them, pointing out problems etc to help the developers.

And yes you can submit challenges, anyone can :)

ghost's Avatar
0 0

Ugh, app. app. app., come one! Let's see some rooting ones or more realistics!

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
0 1

challenges are more than welcome.

the usual reward for making a challenge is the same amount of points a challenge is worth. and then ofcourse your allowed to go and complete your own challenge to earn additional points.

any challenge should be zipped, with source code, text files, passwords, walkthroughs, descriptions etc, and sent to mine or systems email address.

we currently **do not **accept: encyrption stegano logical javascript app

we have way to many of these (already and un-released), and these are all anyone ever seems to make, because they are generally easier than any other challenge to make.

hope that info helps.