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Key generator SFX and music

ghost's Avatar
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This may seem a wierd question but you know when u open a key generator, most of them have music which is like electronic keyboard sounds, the sort of music you would find on an 'amiga' console, i dont know if any of you are old enough to remember the amiga, but im just wundering where can i get this type of music or create it, that is usually found with a keygen, i think it would be good for if i make a keygen in the near future :P :)

spyware's Avatar
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It's just some MIDI files, made by the crackers-team. You have LOADS of programs out there to create such music files.

ghost's Avatar
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Please can u give me an example of a program which i would be able to use to create them :D

Edit: Thanx system meltdown :D

lukem_95's Avatar
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Cubasis, Adobe Audition, Audacity…. the list is endless.

try this site… google.com [you may have heard of it]