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avatar question

ranma's Avatar
0 0

I found a website where you can upload an avatar image, but not php. I found a way to put in an asp page into the avatar. How could I use that to my advantage? When the profile is displayed, nothing shows up, just a broken picture.

ghost's Avatar
0 0

what exactly do you want, now? The more information and preciseness, the better your question will be answered.

Does the server support PHP or ASP, or both?

ranma's Avatar
0 0

The website that has the profile allows php. The one I can input in the images allows both php and asp.

ghost's Avatar
0 0

If the file is uploaded onto the server and you can find a execute the file you could do pretty much w.e you wanted.

ranma's Avatar
0 0

its not uploaded on the server. It is just shown