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Ubuntu/linux help

ghost's Avatar
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Hi, ive been using windows ever since i got a computer and ive looked up on linux and thought id give look into it, ive never used ubuntu before so im newb to it, anyways, i burnt the software onto a disc and installed it then i came to installing my network adapter but it keeps saying "Error: no suitable application, cannot open setup.exe, no app is suitable for automatic installation is available for hadling this kind of file" and it just refuses to install, i heard you need some sort of driver but i know nothing bout drivers or how they work :( please help me

Jay :)

regret's Avatar
Attack-Vector Perl
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That's not part of the Ubuntu installation process…make sure you got a quality ISO. To make sure, you can get a torrent from Ubuntu's main site and verify it with the MD5 checksum.

Ubuntu does not install automatically from the start, it is a Linux-LiveCD which means it should boot into a slimline version of Ubuntu without installing anything, then you can double-click the "HD-Install" to being the installation process. The icon will bring up a wizard, answer the 5 (or 6 questions, can't remember) and happy using :).

ghost's Avatar
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exe is windows executable.

Google to find driver for linux. But most of the time, i think it is automatically install. Try ifconfig