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Articles Wanted

ghost's Avatar
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I've looked through the HBH Challenge articles, and made a list of which challenges havn't been covered:

Application Challenges 7, 8, 12 Encryption Challenges 4, 5 Logical Challenges 4

I'm pretty sure that's right, but If I've made a mistake and I've missed out a challenge somewhere, please PM me so i can add it to the list.

So, I'm calling out to anyone who has completed one of those challenges to make a decent article on it :P I'll change the font color back for the challenges from the list above when an article is made and accepted.

So, because we only really want one article for each of these challenges, make sure it's good :D Before you strt writing anything post here, so someone else doesn't waste their time writing an article for a challenge while you do :happy:

Anyway, just thought I'd post this up because it seems these are the only ones left needing an article


  • AbSoRb

SySTeM's Avatar
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That reminds me! I forgot to do part two of my apps article…nevermind I'll get round to it lol

ghost's Avatar
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Good thought.

ghost's Avatar
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Real 15 is missing

ghost's Avatar
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this should be a sticky. then ppl could add to it as needed.

ghost's Avatar
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For logical challenge 4, I'll do one after I just redone it, because I kindda forgot how to do it. If I remember well it's mainly algebra.

[EDIT]Article is currently being "review"[/EDIT]

richohealey's Avatar
Python Ninja
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now it's stickier than a 14 year old's sheets.

also i don't think there shouldbe an article on real 15 for a bit. i got a fair bit of help, and handed out a fair bit, but articles tend to spoil it completely.

ghost's Avatar
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Absorb -> Encryption 4 was already review by Shadowed, so you should remove it from the list as well as logic 4 when my article will be accepted.

ghost's Avatar
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i'd like to see better batch file tuts. more advanced. how to make them so you can mass install on your networks and mass edit.

ghost's Avatar
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and when i say advanced i mean you can skip the hello world stuff and the looping.