confused -.-
so i tryed the sql injection in basic 8 with -' or 'a'='a but when i submit it i get something like SQL Query Error: SELECT * FROM family_db WHERE password='-\' or \'a\'=\'a' whats with all those "\"? Same thing happens in real 15 - when i add the ' mark in user notes and press save it would come out like \'. If i keep pressing it just multiplies them.
The backslashes are a result of the PHP function addslashes() being used. It is generally to prevent cross-site scripting and/or SQL injection vulnerabilities, though it doesn't always work.
For example, input such as markup"><script>alert('xss')</script>
would change to markup\"><script>alert(\'xss\')</script>
and would not alert xss, but input such as markup"><script>alert(1)</script>
would change to markup\"><script>alert(1)</script>
and would alert 1.