vulnerability tool
maybe take a look at
If theres a script kiddie that determained enuff he will get what he wants. All you guys can hope for is they learn along with it…. i my self and a script kiddie im not going to lie to you and say im not but im not just out there to screw ppl over. i also want to learn but i learn better by doing things then reading alot. so if i start by using a program and it works i usual get interest in how it works and what else i can do. but thats just me.
BlackAce227 wrote: u can use my GB hacker tool its in dl section
Black ace is back?!?! and I started out as a programmer, I admit I downloaded the programs, but then I decompiled them and figured out how they work ((Never much protection on the codes of hackers is there?)) that is how I began my internet hacking career; I used to hack on my dad's network though ^.^!! Before I moved away;;
totse is cool, I wasn't a script kiddie I just worked my way on :/ I kept to myself, while I was begiging don't think anyone even noticed me :( I was sooo mis-understood :(:( lol, :D but I used a lot of alisas and almost never asked for help regret it kinda now not too sure what actually happens in a hacking comunity…
Well, I encourage you to not use them, but I believe there is Nessus. It's much more fun to do things on your own, you should only use Vulnerability Assessers (Vuln. Scanners) to assess the security on your own site or someone who's requested you to. Wheres the fun in having a robot do it for you; unless of course you made it yourself?