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T-Shirt Donations for AldarHawk

AldarHawk's Avatar
The Manager
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You read right. I am poor…need help getting a T-Shirt.

Anyone willing to help out a poor guy get a HBH T-Shirt please Post here, PM me or MSN/AIM me. I will give you further details that way.

Any excess donations will be sent to HBH to help support the site.


ghost's Avatar
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1: hack the pentagon (or what ever) for some kind of criminal orginisation. 2: try selling home bakked cookies (the ones u can eat u kno) 3: sell your pc (i dont recommand it) 4: give me all the answeres for the challenges (ill pay u for it :P)

enough ways to get $21.50 together for that t-shirt :D

ghost's Avatar
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Im gna donate atleast 50p if I get a tshirt. he needs $20. maybe ask cheese to add a fund lol

ghost's Avatar
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..I'll donate 5 bucks.. and actually the shirt is $20 stright.. not 21.95.. I know because I bought one..