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How to buy?

ghost's Avatar
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I want to buy the tshirt.I dont have credit card and I live in Asia.Any suggestion?


ghost's Avatar
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I dont mind the t-shirts but it would be cooler if you could hve your nick on them. Fortunatly i know someone that does t-shirt graphics.

Anyways if you have paypal i think your bank should put money into it. And transfer money (not sure on that part)

ghost's Avatar
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paypal.com You can use it with solo cards too.

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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if you have alot of money, you can have your nick on hte shirt for a extra $30!!!

but i figured paying like $50 for a t-shirt would be a bit expensive so thats why i didnt include it.

ghost's Avatar
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lol, I'd rather write it on with a marker pen.

ghost's Avatar
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lol, I'd rather write it on with a marker pen.