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Serious Question About Learning.

Rocket_Face's Avatar
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I was wondering if doing the challenges on HEH and other sites like it, gives you the skills needed to become a good hacker in the real world. What I really want to know is:

  1. Are the hacks you learn in challenges still "real" or are they so old they don't work any longer.
  2. Will the things I learn here make me better at finding real holes of my own on real sites.
  3. Is it important to learn a programming language in order to become good.

Thank you for your time, and any forthcoming replies. Rocket_Face :)

Huitzilopochtli's Avatar
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Serious Answers:

  1. The exploits in the challenges can still be found on a huge percentage of sites right across the internet, they don't become less dangerous due to the passing of time, they become more dangerous.

  2. Yes, that's how learning usually works.

  3. No, not at all. But it definitely makes things easier in the long run if you do.

gobzi's Avatar
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It will definitely give you the right mindset. Imo in many cases real life pen-testing is easier than some challenges in here, but that obviously depends on your client/target.