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Jabber or IRC

CapnDelete's Avatar
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I haven't noticed a Jabber or IRC link on here. Is there something along those lines that HBH uses or am I just blind?

rex_mundi's Avatar
☆ Lucifer ☆
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We shut down the IRC channel a long time ago, I think the host it was on was nothing to do with HBH, and as it was always going down, and we had little control over it, it was decided to get rid of it.

We have a TeamSpeak server but I'm not sure what the deal with it is, as the links dead, but I'll find out and let you know.

ArgonQ's Avatar
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OMG, this post brought back the memories and made me check my mIRC logs.

[01:17] - Welcome to the psych0tik IRC. [01:17] - You are connected to Storm (storm.psych0tik.net) … Session Start: Wed Feb 03 01:19:13 2010 Session Ident: #hbh [01:19] * Now talking in #hbh [01:19] * Topic is 'HBH - Making the rest of the internet look bad since 2004' [01:19] * Set by CarbonLifeForm! … Wow ,5 years ago unreal!!