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PLC Development

CapnDelete's Avatar
0 3

Would there be an interest here in understanding how PLC's work and the development that is involved? I've got a fairly extensive knowledge of that space, but I'm not sure how high of an interest there is.

Huitzilopochtli's Avatar
10 9

Make it into an article and I'd want to read it.

CapnDelete's Avatar
0 3

Ok, I'll start working on some articles. I think it has application to this space because PLC's are generally extremely vulnerable and they really control our world. Traffic, water, manufacturing, power, etc. They've been mostly ignored due to a closed networking system, but that is changing and it's not hard to get into the network. The focus towards PLC security is just now getting a little bit of attention since the nuclear plants were hacked.

I'll probably be breaking it up into multiple parts as there is a great deal of information to cover starting off with basic concepts of how they operate and moving into development. They all operate off the same fundamentals.

rex_mundi's Avatar
☆ Lucifer ☆
3,190 12

There's an issue with the article and news submission forms at the moment, it seems anything with single quotes is being deleted before it gets through, so either omit them totally, or just use double quotes instead, and they can be edited back to single quotes after it's in the database.

Mordak's Avatar
Evil Sorcerer
4,025 20

Or just PM them over to Rex :P

CapnDelete's Avatar
0 3

OK. Is it just not getting formatted properly for a SQL Database entry?

rex_mundi's Avatar
☆ Lucifer ☆
3,190 12

It's got nothing to do with the database man, it's probably got more to do with the awesome PHP-Fusion code base that HBH relies on.