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Question For ALL MEMBERS

5n0wdr1ft's Avatar
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Would anyone here be up for a doxing challenge?

Would there be any objections to me setting up a doxing challenge for HBH? Not in the missions index, it would be a full speed multi site (realistic but not REAL WORLD in other words) kind of thing. I couldn't give any points obviously but it would be a cool and fun way to get in some real world infomining and research skills.

Can we do that here?

Any thoughts?

5n0wdr1ft's Avatar
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Here is how this would work If the sysops are okay with it.

Mission info: I would give you the screenname or email (not necessarily for or on this site) with the objective to find out whatever you possibly can on any site you can.
Information you're trying to gather includes: real name address birthday bank affiliations website memberships friend associations employment criminal histories criminal activities phone numbers etc etc

There is usually always A LOT of stuff to find if you dig hard enough. You'd be suprised.

The mission usually states that the target is suspected of some crime or action and one of the things you are specifically looking for is either proof somewhere that the target is involved IF they are actually guilty. if they ARENT guilty then you would may have to dox who really IS guilty or possibly some other side task that you would discover in the course of doxing.

Its actually a REALLy cool challenge and it shows people exactly how much personal information is readily available out there and how to unbury it when you need it.

What do you guys think?

Mordak's Avatar
Evil Sorcerer
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We currently have plans for this kind of challenge, please contact rex and pass on your ideas on so the staff can discuss them and get back to you.


Akula's Avatar
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I like the idea. Sounds like fun!

jmort47's Avatar
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I've been working on something like this as well. Mine's more of a pentesting challenge though.