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Missing Article

ghost's Avatar
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A long time ago I have published an article about a Pearl code i've made. Problem is, I can't find him now ..

Is there any policy about old articles i'm missing ?

I have tried to look up for it manually, but still no results. Any idea what could happened or where can it be?

Thanks for helpers ..

p.s. I'm pretty sure I had it anther 'articles' section on my profile, weird! :s

-god-'s Avatar
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we had a bit of trouble a few months back where somebody hacked the siteā€¦ i'm sure about the details of what he actually did beyond changing everyones passwords, but perhaps he deleted articles as well? Don't think there's an explicit policy about old articles.

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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@TheG, I don't remember any Pearl article by you but if you still have it AND it's good resubmit it and I'll get it back up.