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Err, PHP 5.2.9-1 on IIS 5.1

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I am not one to get stressed… It is very unhealthy. Not that I care about my health too much. Little do I care about, but I am in a aggravating situation. I am setting up a simple IIS server on a box of mine and well PHP will not cooperate with me whatsoever. I can install PHP, and the .php format will be there, I compiled a simple PHP file to display the info, just to let me know it works, shown in the following.


When I run this from http://localhost, it will just ask me to open with or download, and when i open with the default option is "CLI", the PHP client, which doesn't preform any action. I have tried older version, as far back as 5.0 and still, no luck. Please assist me before I become disturbed. Yeah, I don't know. Help would be appreciated. Installing to C:/PHP, on a SP3 box.

ynori7's Avatar
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chronicburst wrote: When I run this from http://localhost, it will just ask me to open with or download. What exactly are you typing into your url bar?

Make sure your php file is in the htdocs directory, and type http://localhost/filename.php and it should work if you have it installed and configured right.

SySTeM's Avatar
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Why are you using IIS anyway?

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I am using IIS while my 32 bit Fedora Core 10 finishes installing. I had an error with that as well, but I believe I accidently downloaded the 64bit version. Ill have to see. But I am doing IIS moreso to get a feel for it and I just want to make a vulnrable site to diminish. Don't ask why, couldn't tell ya. To learn. As for putting the file in the right directory, I have.

> Just before we continue I thought it pertinent to mention that it if you have already installed, or attempted to install PHP on your system then you must remove all traces of that install before continuing. If ANY PHP files exist anywhere else on your system that are accessible via the PATH environment variable, then it is very possible (even probable if the previous version of PHP was different) that you will have issues with hosting PHP content.
I am left to believe that my problem is all of my attempts. I just redid the box.
Ill update/edit this.

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Oh, sorry for not updating. Thank you for your help, it is all good now. I forgot my ";" in my environment variables. Slipped my mind. Thank you. If any of you have some useful articles on securing 5.1 IIS, that would be very nice if you could link-a-tize.