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reaper4334's Avatar
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Notice that it's

"A Beginner's Guide" not "A Beginners Guide"

The symbols and stuff are supposed to be a '

Happens in lots of the older articles.

ghost's Avatar
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It's because those characters are not represented by HTML entities or Unicode characters. They don't display correctly until you replace them with the entity or Unicode character that displays them (’ for a right-facing single quote or – for a hyphen, in entity and Unicode forms, respectively). There are lots of nice lists of these, so feel free to bookmark a good one if you ever plan to do any web content.

ynori7's Avatar
Future Emperor of Earth
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I've also noticed that the word 'expression' in all of my articles gets shown with <i></i> tags in the middle. I'm guessing that it's to prevent someone trying to use the xss expression funtion? I dont see why that would be a problem though since articles have to be approved before they get posted anyway.