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How do you know if a server is at someones home??

ghost's Avatar
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ok thanks for the help, I figured instead of making a new thread I would just re use this thread.

The question is how do you know if someones server is a computer located at their house or a friends house or business etc. or if they are using a public webserver on a setup like godaddy?

Can you tell by the dns records?

fashizzlepop's Avatar
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are you talking about this…?


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It's called a favicon, it's what they use for the realistic missions.

ghost's Avatar
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huh weird.. I thought it meant they were using like fronpage or something lol


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And to reply to the new thread…. :p

Most of the time you can tell from a whois, if it belongs to major ISP's such as Verizon, Comcast, etc. then it's going to be running from home. Somebody correct me on that if I'm wrong.

ghost's Avatar
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evolutionX wrote: And to reply to the new thread…. :p

Most of the time you can tell from a whois, if it belongs to major ISP's such as Verizon, Comcast, etc. then it's going to be running from home. Somebody correct me on that if I'm wrong.

Thanks for all the help :happy: Your right I think that is a good way to tell if it might be running from home I didnt think about that, I'll definitely have to keep that in mind.

Is there any other way to tell?

fashizzlepop's Avatar
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Yah I think you can tell from that… Also if you have server spy you usually see ex. "AOL Servers" or "igfe" for google kinda thing… Most others might just say "Apache" or something simple….

Just a guess.