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Shell on port 514

ghost's Avatar
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Hey, on a target server there is a "CMD Shell" on port 514, how can I access this? Telnet leaves me with a closed remote host. Patched maybe but why not removed..

ghost's Avatar
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Yes thanks. And by "automatic authentication" meaning once connected to the shell im root? Or does this mean local access is a necessity? Telnet isnt working on the port so thats out of the picture. I am probably just better off running an ISS 5.0 exploit.

ghost's Avatar
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nmap -p514 -sV whateveripis

See what the service it's running is. It could be a non-standard service or a service running on a non-standard port.

ghost's Avatar
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Yeah Nmap all ready told me 514 was a "CMD Shell." Thanks though and I will do anyway.