Hacking own computer? XD
yea he definitally wasnt talking about PS3, but it doesnt take a good computer to run a server esecially if you have one just to practice cracking on it, my server on my network has a 700Mhz processor 300Mg ram and 20gb hdd…no monitor or anything and i bumed that one for free. and it works great for experimenting. Gah apologizes for grammer/spelling im not in the mood to care to much.
Meh I think virtual machines are the way to go here.
A ) You dont need any additional hardware
B ) You can find a ton of OS's for it (For free)
C ) Its fast loading
D ) You can have a whole network of VM's up on the same box including routers, firewalls, etc….
E ) Software is free (vmplayer legit free, vmbox legit free, vmware workstation (best imo) .. can be free ;))
I could probably go on, but I think you get the point.
stdio wrote: Meh I think virtual machines are the way to go here.
A ) You dont need any additional hardware
B ) You can find a ton of OS's for it (For free)
C ) Its fast loading
D ) You can have a whole network of VM's up on the same box including routers, firewalls, etc….
E ) Software is free (vmplayer legit free, vmbox legit free, vmware workstation (best imo) .. can be free ;))
I could probably go on, but I think you get the point.
Wow I didnt realize you could setup virtual routers and firewalls. Does anyone know a good tut on setting up a realistic network all on virtual machines?
Here are setups for a few different types of networks