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Other 2 not working!

ghost's Avatar
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as the title says, the challenge doesnt like my text file. I set up a apache server on my laptop and ploped a text file called "HBH" containing "hellbound hackers Deo Favente" on the top. my computers on 24/7. I want my 5 points please.

ghost's Avatar
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did you post it on your website cause you do to get points if you did well you need to wait for the admins to check it which may take a couple days

Futility's Avatar
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We don't check other 2. We have a script to do it for us, so make sure you format it exactly how the challenge says. Otherwise, it won't work.

ghost's Avatar
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worked for me :happy:

Uber0n's Avatar
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Futility wrote: We have a script to do it for us, so make sure you format it exactly how the challenge says. Maybe it doesn't work because this guy has a space in his username? Does it read the whole file or just "hellbound hackers" and the next word? ;)

ghost's Avatar
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Thats what it should do. Hopefully ill get my points eventually

ghost's Avatar
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Deo Favente wrote: I set up a apache server on my laptop and ploped a text file called "HBH"

Other 2 description said: Please link to a text file named as your username

Futility's Avatar
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Uber0n wrote: Maybe it doesn't work because this guy has a space in his username? Does it read the whole file or just "hellbound hackers" and the next word? ;) Yea, that's what I was thinking the problem might be. I can't really do too much about it, though because I don't have the privs for that kind of thing. [EDIT] Shouldn't it be [yourusername].txt?

ghost's Avatar
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i dont think so. Iv'e always assoicated .txt with windoze. i want to see some authority that says what .txt is before change it. but why should it matter? cant you just read the data in the file?

Futility's Avatar
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Deo Favente wrote: i dont think so. Iv'e always assoicated .txt with windoze. i want to see some authority that says what .txt is before change it. but why should it matter? cant you just read the data in the file? I don't know how I can possibly make this any more clear. We don't check it. We have it checked automatically by a program. If it's not exactly what the program is looking for, then it's not gonna work. If you're not willing to change it to see what's wrong, then I really don't care.

And COM has already pointed out what was wrong. It needs to be your username.txt, not HBH.txt.

ghost's Avatar
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i made the changes and it still doesnt work, here is the new url as i have entered it. [url] Favente.txt[/url]