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help in php( find a word in a site)

ghost's Avatar
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i want some help… iwant to write a script in php to read a site… ant if find a word… to set an alert (1) window… i use this script but with site hellboundhackers.org returns $c 0 ( because is big the site????) and with command i will find the word i wand ( i.e hellboundhackers….):(

<?php $mystring="see"; $handle = fopen('http://hellboundhackers.org', "r"); $contents = stream_get_contents($handle); $c = str_word_count($contents);

echo $c;



SySTeM's Avatar
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HBH doesn't seem to display tabs or spacing correctly, so I uploaded it to pastebin instead -_-'


ghost's Avatar
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Thanks for the reply… but when i run it it says: Word cound:0… it doesn't appears the alert window…….

ghost's Avatar
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it works ….. for other sites but not for hellboundhackers.org…( maybe it a big site to save iot in a word with stream_get_contents) it says: count:0…. how can to solve this problem????:D

SySTeM's Avatar
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It work fine for me on HBH :s

<script>alert("'HellBound' found!")</script> Word count: 5857

ghost's Avatar
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Because i run the script for my pc …( i use the XAMPP for Linux and i made my pc server and i run it in it , because in my site i can run it … it's off… i think so , this is the problem!!!!!)… :@