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Tracking 2 wont accept my awnser

ghost's Avatar
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Yea tracking two said the details i input where wrong The ip i found was 6*.1**.5*.14 ( i have blocked out most of it The host name i got was "Un*****albe" (again most blocked out) I have the ****** Federation as the country (most blocked out)

It said wrong ……??????

ghost's Avatar
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I got the same thing and am having the same issue.

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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Tracking 2 uses scripts to collect a active IP from a large proxy list.

This means the IP for the challenge could possibly change daily.

If your answer isnt accepted, its quite possible your either:

  1. Your entering details that have expired.
  2. The IP comes from a country that can have various spellings. (i.e UK / United Kingdom / England)

If this happens and your positive you've entered the correct details, please try the challenge again the next day.

ghost's Avatar
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ive tried this for 3 days now …. and i need the points

ghost's Avatar
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keey trying, I had this same problem, and thought it was down… SO just keep trying, it took me about a week until I got the right IP… And congrats, I know its not the same as getting those lil bit of points, but it may be better, good job on getting it done, so just wait it out and it will give ya another IP…

ghost's Avatar
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Do the ip address change every day or so?????how will we know which ip is correct???i tried for nearly 2 weeks but no hope….:xx:

ghost's Avatar
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@ everyone who needs help. PM me and I'll help you get it in the right format.

regret's Avatar
Attack-Vector Perl
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Can someone please do something about Tracking 2….I've been trying this thing for a solid week, and off and on for three weeks now, and keep getting unresolvable hostnames from various sites.

ghost's Avatar
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imfao …. i passed this mission weeks ago … why are people still posting

ghost's Avatar
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i get 8*.1**.106.138 and tracert it, and got this: a. 458 ms 439 ms 544 ms dsl-20-82.uta*e.at [8*.1.20.82] b. 452 ms 449 ms 492 ms 8*.1.106.138

the first class B ip between a & b is the same. so i try dsl-106-138.uta*****e.at, but no luck.

i'm stuck, and i think this tracking challenge has to be fixed. The ip that is provided has to be constant and checked if it has hostname or not.

ghost's Avatar
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I have solved it after about a month of trying, and I am positive that in some cases the proper name of the host was not accepted as a correct answer. I also would like to have challenge changed/fixed, but then after a weeks of trying I've learned hell lot about DNS and the like, and I'm glad I took this challenge. So my advice is take it easy ,keep trying once a day,and one day the sun will shine for you.

ghost's Avatar
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^^, i thought that the ip changes everyday. i think it's generated every week / every month.

Uber0n's Avatar
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I'm not sure, but I don't think it changes on a regular basis. It just changes every now and then :p

ghost's Avatar
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When I was young it changed like three times a day. Now it looks like once , or twice. Anyway it is irregular.

viperfx's Avatar
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still no ip there. now, it's been two weeks since i checked it.

ghost's Avatar
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man i hate these challenges! ive gotten the IP for both in less than 5 minutes but it wont accept the hostname/country inputs! :vamp:

ghost's Avatar
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I'm getting the same IP address for more than 2 weeks now… (I know the answer but it doesn't work… and the IP address isn't changing :()

ghost's Avatar
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Could anyone pm me with the right format? I already got the Country name and host name but it says that I entered the wrong details. ThanksB)B)

shadowls's Avatar
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send me what you got and i see what i can do.

ghost's Avatar
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Depending on which day you do this challenge, you will get a different IP from the site…

However you can try this: http://cqcounter.com/whois/

shadowls's Avatar
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Yes thats. true, Tried it again and it seems like it working.

ghost's Avatar
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lols, thanks, I got it now, :P

shadowls's Avatar
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np. if you need any help, im here to help.

ghost's Avatar
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hilfialkaff wrote: lols, thanks, I got it now, :P

Glad that u got it! :)

ghost's Avatar
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um, I'm having the same problem, should I just keep trying the challenge every once in a while? Or can I pm someone to make sure I actually have the right information?

ghost's Avatar
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you can pm me

ghost's Avatar
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or me…

ghost's Avatar
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he had done it already that too on his own

ghost's Avatar
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oh, yeah lol… good job freekstyle ;)

ghost's Avatar
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me too lol :D

ghost's Avatar
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aww, thanks guys :D

ghost's Avatar
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hey, no prob… we are here to help!

stealth-'s Avatar
Ninja Extreme
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To be honest, I think this is completely ridiculous.

"Oh yeah, it works sometimes, usually not. Just spend weeks trying it, even though you already know the answer."

This should, imo, be a priority to get fixed. I mean, I don't want to come here to spend most my time trying to get the damn php script to accept my answer! I want to be spending time trying to solve the problems. I've noticed this on alot of challenges, that you spend more time trying to get the wording perfect that you do solving the general idea, however this one really annoys me.

Sorry if I'm coming off as a jerk, but I think this should be fixed asap, not simply ignored like it appears to be now.

ghost's Avatar
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yeah it's a bitch, involves trying repeated whois sites, when I did it at least.