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game tweaker

ghost's Avatar
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anybody know a good game tweaker like a program that optimizes your computer to it best for playing games and stuff I can't really describe it in words but yall know whta I mean right like something that frees up ram and all that other kind of stuff that speeds up your computer to make a game to run more smoothly and stuff.

Uber0n's Avatar
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Well sometimes there are special ones for a specific game, such as Quake 4 Tweaker (for Quake IV of course).

Here's a program which suits your description (I haven't tested it, just found it) [url]http://www.download.com/Game-Optimizer-Pro/3000-2121_4-10369560.html [/url]

Normally it's enough to set the graphics and sound settings etc in the game to suitable values though.

ghost's Avatar
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First of all me being a glitcher I think that was a really dumb question thats the same as asking for a program to hack a website for you. Or like not hacking just DoS'n sites all day. Personally I would usually just not help you but try cheat engine it is not a game optimizer but it can help you run faster than normal and stuff like that, get a lot of health but its not in the click of a button. www.cheatengine.org. something is wrong with the downloads so google for the downloads and you can read tutorials at that site.

  • Mooze

ghost's Avatar
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All he wants is to adjust his settings to make the game run better..how is that the same as defacing a website?

Uber0n's Avatar
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^^ he did NOT ask for a program with speedhacks, aimbots and stuff but a tweaker which reduces lag and increases graphics quality.

ghost's Avatar
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thank you uberon thats exactly what I want

ghost's Avatar
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you should really look into tweaking ur OS to run at maximum performance. my article is a good start. Using the link to tweakhounds guid on XP optimization is very useful. after doing this and always restarting before u play a game disableing anti-virus and all other unessential background apps before running the game. you should then find a happy medium with the games settings for good quality while maintaining the performance levels you need. I can also recomend buying a dedicated graphics unit for your computer if you havent already. as this will dramatically increase performance not only in games but in general.

ghost's Avatar
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Your asking why I did this hack? If I don't hack how am I superpose to learn more. I don't have any evil intension's. If all a carpenter did was read books about carpentry he wouldn't be a very good carpenter now would he. Hacking isn't just theory. This thread will be deleted tomorrow I don't want to leave evidence.