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Anarchy Online Problems

Flaming_figures's Avatar
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Alright, AO is a great free game, and my computer hardly supports it. When I find a good computer, I use it. I went to my brothers place for the weekend and played on his amazing laptop none stop. I gained so many lvls (for me at least) and then, while finding a shortcut into a new world and doing a quest, I ran up the side of a mountain, slipped, and fell into a hole. I can hardly move and all I have is a little droid saying "I cannot kill you master" over and over again. I was wondering.. how can I fix this? Is there anyone I can PM or e-mail about it and have them teleport me out? and if so- how? Thanks. Oh, and just a tip, DO NOT RUN UP AND DOWN RANDOM MOUNTAINS!!! lol.

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