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MMORPG - Help needed

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Hi ppl, i did not red any outher topic so if there is anouther one about this plz link me to that one. I haven't been around for a long time so plz explain it simple

ok now listn up, i've been playing Lineage for a rather long time now end i guess i'm drugged (can't stop playing need more muhahaha )

But we have a problem;

From what i know whe have annoyed user, or some1 from another freeserver, who crashes utopia all the time. we cant do anything, gms too

I was thinking if a playa or someone does that he must have a wierd data stream sending to the server or something, right I wonder if there is a way to view the data that ppl send to a game server so we know more about him and mayby stop the attacks

If anyone know a way to solve this plz post a repley any usefull information welcome.

Thx ahead

Game in Peace, PostalCyber

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It sounds somewhat of a DoS attack to me. Not sure. does it render the game usless to the other players. If so he might be using this to gain stats. We need a little more info on what the problem is. Will help us determine what is going on and come up with a solution. If you know who the user is then you can have the admin packet sniff him and see what packets he is sending to the server. Once that is verified he can ban the packets being sent.

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Most game servers are vunerable to illegal data in the packets such as too many characters in the username check some sites for your game …

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have you got a link to the site? well, the game

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Your best bet is to quit playing a MMORPG, they are more addicting than drugs. Seriously, I know a guy whose wife left him because he play a MMORPG too much. So just quit now!

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first, i'm not quiting on Lineage its like ppl asking you to stop hacking and or something like that B)

Thx for the replies already, i'll let the GameMaster read this he will repley with some info i hope. most likely it will be someone named Sakumi

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The game is: LineageII C1 The server's site: www.L2utopia.com Head Game Master: Sakumi

i'm PostalCyber there too.

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omnipresence, thx man