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ghost's Avatar
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I play that game. It is pretty sick, but I have never played Morrowind, so I can't compare it to anything in the same genre. But for those out there who don't have any friends, or no XBOX Live (like me!!!) this is a great game.

Uber0n's Avatar
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Yes Oblivion is wonderful, just as Morrowind was a few years ago :happy:

There are some things that disturb me though, such as the fact that almost every place in Cyrodil looks just the same (same kind of trees, grass etc) and the sometimes idiotic dialogs between the NPCs.

8/10 for Oblivion ;)

ghost's Avatar
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its not bad( i play on my friend's pc).. the graphics are the some of the very best at the moment, however it gets boring since i am used to mmorpg's, and obliv is only single player : (. Though if it did go mmo then the graphics would have to be cut down a ton, because nearly everyone would be lagging a lot. 7/10. by the way, don't cheat on this game or else you will get very bored(trust me i did it and i never play it now lol).

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Both of my buds who own it cheated on it. Once of them got 100% camoflauge, and the other got unlimited gold. None of them play it anymore. Technically, they weren't 'cheating' they were just exploiting the game.:happy:

ghost's Avatar
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Unless they found the exploits then it is cheating IMHO

ghost's Avatar
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thats the problem with oblivion, or morrowind. its an amazing game, with YEARS (litraly) of content, but lifespan once hte cheats go on, about 30-60 minutes. all the fun is gone when you can kill anything from miles away with a single arrow, or never have to persuade, just bribe.


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That's why I never cheat in games. Last time I did was in GTA 2 some years ago lol

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I cheated playing GTA on my PSP, well, not exactly cheating but someone found this hack for it so that you could create you on buildings and objects so I made this bike park

ghost's Avatar
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To me all the morrowind games are good, I mean Bethesda does make some pretty sick games, I would have to say BloodMoon is the best of the Morrowind Trilogy, it has really good graphics, and not to mention awesome summoning spells and wicked weapons.:D:);)

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i think oblivions great until u hav completed the main quest once or twice when the familiarity comes annoying as you have forests, aylied ruins, dungeons, houses and the plane of oblivion. i just get annoyed of seein the same scenery and entering a cave/ruin and knowing exactly whats coming. also all the darn leveling it was gud in morrowind because part of the fun was thinking shud i poke around in this ruin when there cud be some horribly powerful monster that will kill my low lvl character. i know i sound a killjoy but i prefer variety in an rpg