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Games for a dell latitude C600?

stealth-'s Avatar
Ninja Extreme
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I've got a dell latitude C600 laptop with a pentium 3 and integrated graphics running arch linux, and I get stuck at my dads house every second week with this thing and no internet. So, with the exception of coding, there is nothing interesting to do with this machine. I've tried a few games like frozen bubble, Battle for wesnoth, and a few others, but I always find myself missing the 1st person shooters.

Obviously, being such a crappy laptop, there isn't any new games that will run on it. I got duke nukem to run, however it only has the storyline mode which gets pretty old. I'm not familiar with any older games, and much less with their chances to work on linux, so I thought I would ask you guys :)

I'm looking for a game that's a 3d 1st person shooter, runs on linux, and has offline AI for a deathmatch gamemode (if it could do ctf or something, even better). Programs that run through wine, as long as I get a decent FPS, I won't mind.

Is this too much to ask for a system like mine? You guys got any suggestions?

ghost's Avatar
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don't think 1.6 over wine would run smoothly or at all on linsux on that lappy. Try warsaw for FPS turn the settings down low. It's best online though.

Frozen bubble is awesome though? If you don't liek that you may not appreciate supertux which is a mario clone and fucking rocks.

stealth-'s Avatar
Ninja Extreme
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Counter strike and warsow I seriously doubt would work. Cube 1 (screenshots here: http://cubeengine.com/screenshots.html) gets below 2 fps on that laptop, so anything similar or better than that won't work. However, quake sounds like a great idea. I can't believe I didn't think of that :angry:

Thanks Moshbat. Although if anyone had any other suggestions I'd be more than happy to hear 'em. It's not so much that I hate frozen bubble as it is that it can't keep my attention for more than 15 minutes.

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Nethack, Crawl, Quake and UT.

edit: fceu + nes roms :)

KvK's Avatar


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AssaultCube is 3D FPS that happens to be a cube mod. It's a fairly fun game to play, and offers both single player and multiplayer game modes. It ran pretty fast on an older computer I played it on and is available for linux. If all else fails, I definately reccommend you give this game a try.


stealth-'s Avatar
Ninja Extreme
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Compromise wrote: Nethack, Crawl, Quake and UT.

edit: fceu + nes roms :)

Ah, nethack! I forgot about that game, I've been meaning to give it a shot for a while, actually. UT, is unfortunately out of my capabilities.

KvK wrote: AssaultCube is 3D FPS that happens to be a cube mod. It's a fairly fun game to play, and offers both single player and multiplayer game modes. It ran pretty fast on an older computer I played it on and is available for linux. If all else fails, I definately reccommend you give this game a try.


In one of my earlier posts I said cube 1 (which is, like you said, what Assaultcube is based on) will not get above 2 fps….. As for it being a good game, I definitely agree (although cube 2 is the game that's on my screen more often than not).

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Dark Reign, Starcraft, Diablo, Quake, Half Life, EV Nova, Masters of Orion, Star Control (ev nova, MoO2, and Star Control are time consuming)

And emulators are always fun. I used to run an n64 emulator on my old P3, before a tweaker stole pawned it.