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360 Game Development (Learning Group)

yours31f's Avatar
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No Longer Active

Yep, That's right. I'm heading a new group that can create games for the 360. This group will encompass all available resources to design, develop, test, and produce working games. Sound like your cup of tea? All you need to do is …

  1. Apply in this thread using the form at the end of this post.

  2. Be willing to devote time and effort to expanding the efforts of the group.

  3. Be willing and have the want to learn to design games for the 360.

NOTE: This will take time. Prior programming experience is a plus. C# is the language. Don't know C#, No Problem. It'll be covered. The final game created will be a collaboration of ideas from people in the group. THIS GROUP WILL BEGIN EVERYTHING ON Feb 1st. Details will be PMed.

Member Count: 6

Include this is your post, OR PM me with this:

**Years Programming:** 

**Programming Languages:** 

**Why Do you want to be part of the group?** 

**Why Should you be part of the group?** 

Thanks. Serious post only. Please no spam/Flames/criticism. If you have something you need to say about it, that is not an entry, PM ME!!!!

fashizzlepop's Avatar
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yours31f wrote:

**Years Programming:** 

**Programming Languages:** 

**Why Do you want to be part of the group?** 

**Why Should you be part of the group?** 

  1. 4ish (If that includes when I started HTML and PHP)
  2. PHP, C#(A little), C/C++(a little), Python(Genral Concept), and Perl(Main focus right now)
  3. Just to help out or help oversee and give ideas, not going to be able to give that much time to the group but I can help.
  4. Because I don't see any other applications and I figured I try and kick start it.

ynori7's Avatar
Future Emperor of Earth
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yours31f wrote: If you have something you need to say about it, that is not an entry, PM ME!!!! Seriously guys, the next post I have to delete will be accompanied by warn.

yours31f's Avatar
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I received some requests for me to answer my own questions.

Years Programming: 4

Programming Languages: C++, PHP, MYSQL, BrainFuck, Python, a few others.

Why Do you want to be part of the group? I believe this group could prove to be more than just a group of people learning. It might expose people with a talent for game design, which could be asked to join a production studio. In short, It could lead to new and exciting opportunities, and even if it doesn't, I will have learned something in the process, and might make some new friends.

Why Should you be part of the group? I would develop the the group site, find resources, help answer questions and devote time and effort to further the ideas and projects of the group.

SET's Avatar


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Years = 9 almost 10

Languages =VB 6(Used to be main), VB.net (Main), Various other languages minor

Why Do you want to be part of the group? Sounds fun and interesting focusing more on animation and design with various timed code and AI

Why Should you be part of the group? I learn fast

NOW OTHER–– you realize you have to pay to make games for the 360, Its free to make Computer games ,but using the game studio to make 360 games costs…$99 a year.

bl4ckc4t's Avatar
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yours31f wrote: Yep, That's right. I'm heading a new group that can create games for the 360. This group will encompass all available resources to design, develop, test, and produce working games. Sound like your cup of tea? All you need to do is …

  1. Apply in this thread using the form at the end of this post.

  2. Be willing to devote time and effort to expanding the efforts of the group.

  3. Be willing and have the want to learn to design games for the 360.

NOTE: This will take time. Prior programming experience is a plus. C# is the language. Don't know C#, No Problem. It'll be covered. The final game created will be a collaboration of ideas from people in the group. THIS GROUP WILL BEGIN EVERYTHING ON Feb 1st. Details will be PMed.

Member Count: 4

Include this is your post, OR PM me with this:

**Years Programming:** 

**Programming Languages:** 

**Why Do you want to be part of the group?** 

**Why Should you be part of the group?** 

Thanks. Serious post only. Please no spam/Flames/criticism. If you have something you need to say about it, that is not an entry, PM ME!!!!

I have about 2 years experience total. This is after I have added all my time up, removing the breaks I have taken.

The languages I know the most of are: Perl (intermediate) and C++ (basics)

I have worked with C# a couple times, but nothing proficient.

The reason I would like to join up in the group is so that I can get a better understanding of C# and hopefully better my programming skills in my future of Software Engineering / Game Development

To be brutally honest, I have no good answer as to why I should be in the group, as I can't honestly say I am superb at programming, but I am always willing to learn, and if I can get others that have the same idea to collaborate, its possible we all will learn together.


ghost's Avatar
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Years Programming: 10

Programming Languages: C, C++, JAVA, Perl, Python, Linden, VB.NET, C#, SQL/MySQL/iSQLPlus, JavaScript, Processing, ActionScript, PHP, Assembly/Win32_Assembly/PIC18_Assembly, Matlab, +few_others…

Why Do you want to be part of the group? I like to involve in any programming experience as long as I have time.

Why Should you be part of the group? I don't own a 360 but I might help the group.