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Halo vs. FF

ghost's Avatar
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I'm having complications making up my mind on which game series goes more in depth with the story lines. In a way I'm thinking Final Fantasy but then again after reading some of the books from halo it makes it complicated. What do you all think?

ghost's Avatar
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Why are you starting random threads and posting comments with absolutly no point to them other than shits and giggles.

ghost's Avatar
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i really don't know

ghost's Avatar
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well figure it out and stop. unless you want to get as many CM as i do.

as a matter of fact i think i hold the record. i have to check it out.

Kentucky's Avatar
Noobzor +3
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Well, game-wise the final fantasy series has usually delivered when it comes to story (I say "Usually, because I have not played every FF, Just 3, 7, 8, and 9). Halo the game, As I have played (Which isn't alot but I've watched a lot of people play), Kinda skips on story. Not that it's a bad thing, Many FPS kinda skimp on story because most gamers are in it for the action. But I have not read the HALO books, I figured they were a novelization of the game. But that's just my thoughts.

ghost's Avatar
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I think that my opinion doesn't make a difference in the end. If I say "halo is better, get that one" then would you really do that just because I said so? I doubt it. Maybe you should ask this in the irc channel or the shoutbox, but I don't think it's worth a thread… :P

ghost's Avatar
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The books are actually before the fall of Reach or during but HALO Wars kind of summed up Reach but Final Fantasy is very good with their story lines and especially with 7 I really can't tell

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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This isn't a video game site. Go here if you want to play games: http://www.xsgaming.com/

I know I'm a dick.

ghost's Avatar
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Final Fantasy, for sure…

ghost's Avatar
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how for sure, have you even looked at the books, and series wise halo owns FF

Uber0n's Avatar
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NeT_DeMoN wrote: how for sure, have you even looked at the books, and series wise halo owns FF

If you're so sure, why did you ask in the first place?

PS. FF > Halo

ghost's Avatar
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too quick to judge, not looking at it from ll aspects

spyware's Avatar
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I've read all the Halo books ánd played a lot of FF.

The answer is, of course, Final Fantasy.

Seriously, if you think Halo is epic prepare for much, much more.

ghost's Avatar
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If you want to have a life play FF, if you don't want to have a live play halo, if you want to be single for the rest of your life and live in your parents basement, play world of warcraft.

ghost's Avatar
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Oh come on Halo has much better story line than FF. I also think that Halo's story line is a lot more comprehensible than FF's

ghost's Avatar
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I think FF story lines beat Halo and really for one reason…if you have a RPG with a weaker story line than a FPS…that RPG blows haha just thats how it is…take two worlds for example that story sucked. and no one plays it. haha anyway…thats my 2cents anyway

AldarHawk's Avatar
The Manager
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Okay you are gonna get a hole crap load of people saying "Halo pwns FF" and "FF ownz Halo" but does that shit really matter?

I have played EVERY Final Fantasy Game (own most of them), Watched (and OWN) both Movies and also part way through the series.

I am a huge Final Fantasy Fan but if you really want to know before you buy think of this. Rent both and take that into consideration.

Final Fantasy has 13 games that are available for PS to PS3 while Halo has only 3. Final Fantasy is much more rounded and has a larger back bone than Halo but Halo is the hit of the last 3 years. but in all fairness I cannot push either on you. I could say get this or that but again that is judgmental. I do not know what type of games you like to play.

So judge for your self. If you like RPGs get Final Fantasy, if you like FPS's get Halo.

That is all I can really say.

yours31f's Avatar
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int what_you_think;

if (what_you_think == FF){

cout >> " you are gay and should have to play halo for 32 days straight."; } else {

cout >> "You are correct."; }