Text Based Hacker Game...
I coded a game (been working on it for about 5 months) and was hoping you guys could tell me what you think. It is called Admin-Z its an application and I think it is fairly fun, I only have mission1 done so it will be a while until the next mission.
NOTE: Please tell me if you find any bugs, or something you feel is unrealistic (it is ment to be easy) Anyways tell me what you think!
Your don't have to sign-up That game is completely different has nothing to do with that website it was just somewhere to put it. And it is a large game, I want to see you code it in a language you have never used in less than 5 months.
[edit] I fixed the link, Sorry it I seem rude I am very tierd I do not want to start something that will be flammed to no end ;)
And I had never programmed anything of worth when I started. Then again I still have not programmed anything of worth. [/edit
Okay I am working on a CMS (I guess you could call it) and my login script does not work correctly… The page is displayed fine but when I try and create a user it fails…
include 'config.php';
<title>Elite Hacks CMS</title>
<form action="createuser.php" METHOD="POST" name="newuser">
<input class="textbox" type="text" name="user"/>
<input class="textbox" type="pass" name="pass"/>
<br />
Validation #:
<input class="textbox" type="text" name="valid"/>
<input type='submit' value='<Create User>' name="submit">
if ($_POST['user'] <> "" and $_POST['pass'] <> "")
mysql_query("INSERT INTO elitehacks_user (user_name, user_pass) VALUES ".$_POST['user']."', '".md5($_POST['pass'])."')");
echo "User created";
echo "User was not created!";
Could you guys please help me understand why it does not work?
insane_phreak wrote: he has backbone because he is posting his work for others to see I think that takes pride
Only problem is, it's not his work. He's already proven that he used a pre-made CMS. Obviously, you haven't kept up with the other 5,000 forum posts he made last month.
the game is ok it could need some improvements but I like how you are trying keep it up
I'm sure it is… I'm just not downloading it. Sorry.
Oh, and I have an idea why your login code might not be working: It's either because you're a complete idiot, or because you put smileys in your code. :)
Seriously, how many login tutorials are there on the web for PHP? SERIOUSLY? Christ, do you EVER Google? :angry:
im not surprised your login script doesnt work.
whats this:
markupif ($_POST['user'] <> "" and $_POST['pass'] <> ""
how about:
markupif($_POST['user'] != "" && $_POST['pass'] != "")
thats pretty simple stuff.
the site in general: dark green text, on black background, with bright white text… do you see how unreadable that is, you practically have to highlight the text i want to read in order to actually see what it says.
the sites content reads like its written by a 10 yr old. the graphics used have clearly been done in paint.
your site legal page is a complete waste of time unless backed up by a well written disclaimer / terms of use.
whole site is one big joke, to be perfectly honest.
you can barely code a extremely simple login script (which is extremely insecure btw) and you want to start running a hbh rip-off site? if you cant code simple stuff, how do you expect to code challenges and more complicated things around your site. i assume all the challenge ideas and probably code are just ripped straight from hbh?
you obvioulsy have alot of motivation to get the site up and running… however you lack understanding and general common sense when it comes to webmastering.
If i was you, i would close the site down, turn it into a little mini project just for myself to practice coding, and learn a bit about web mastering, website useability and search engine optimisation.
once you can manage with those, then open a small site that you can manage and take it from there.
starting like this, you've dived into the deep end without being able to swim. you'll get flamed, loose motivation and the site will end. we've seen this happen how many times in the last year with other hbh rip-off sites. not to mention with your coding skill,s the first bit of self written code you stick up, chances are it will be a security risk, get hacked, you wont have any idea how it happened or how to fix it, and thus the site will end.
my suggestion is end the site yourself, go off and learn ALOT more and start again in 6-12 months time when you have learnt the above. i'd recommend doing it now while you've still got the excellent motivation.
From the included file "READ THIS!!!!"
—––Admin-Z readme—––
You must do this or it wil NOT work!!!
- Create a directory C:\Program Files\Admin-Z
- Extract all the files from Admin-Z.zip to the new directory.
Thats all you have to do, please enjoy! Come on, why do you require it to be put in a specific folder? :o
@Anyone who's still being serious with him.
Zephyr_Pure wrote: Obviously, you haven't kept up with the other 5,000 forum posts he made last month.
It's the same garbage over and over again.
He's made about three different sites, all with PHP-Fusion and all trying to emulate currently existing web-exploitation challenge sites.
They've all sucked.
He's made ZERO effort to learn anything new since his first post. I can remember him trying to figure out a PHP login script ages ago, and he STILL doesn't get it.
He needs his hand held through every little fucking step of whatever his current project is, which, mind you, is never anything WORTHWILE, only things that other people have done a billion times before.
tl/dr: He isn't worth the frustration. Let it be.