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Active Phreakers?

ghost's Avatar
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I've been wanting to get into phreaking, but most texts on the internet are way outdated, and I hear of plenty of hackers, but not many Phreakers. So…I was wondering if anyone knows an active, up-to date Phreaking community. Like HBH or HTS are Hacking ones, but does anyone know of any Phreaking ones? Also seeing as I'm new, would anyone be interested in teaching me the basic stuff, because as I said most text files are really outdated, and seeing as I'm just starting, I don't know how many of those still work. Thanks end3r

ghost's Avatar
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Thanks, but do you know the American sites he was talking about? And does anyone else have some more up-to-date ones? end3r

regret's Avatar
Attack-Vector Perl
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Sites like yapl.org and bellsmind.net are updated very regularly. The difference between hackers and phreaks in that sense is that the phreaking world changes at a much slower rate than the computer hacking world. The exploits and other various things you know as a hacker will be changed from one month to another (speaking from someone who unplugged for 6 years). Phreaking changes much less frequently in the way the system operates, but what is in the phone network changes daily…which is why there are so many scan databases/NPA/etc out there.

The easiest way to get into phreaking is very, very simple….just pick up a phone and start dialing numbers. Pickup your reciever and dial numbers in sequence, then log your results. You find the best stuff and the coolest places in the phone system just by accidentally coming accross it.

For those who are wondering…war-dialing is not explicitly illegial…as long as you are not harrassing people when dialing random numbers, the phone companies will not have any quarrell with you. The simple act of dialing numbers is all you need to unlock the doors :P

ghost's Avatar
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actully a lot of the tuts arnt outdated they still work look at redbox tones how long have those been around but they still work you cant say something is outdated unless you try it

ghost's Avatar
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I've heard people say that if you redbox to china, russia and even east germany, you can get hold of a line there and bluebox still. Dunno if it's true, but still, that technique is older than me.

Unlike hacking, phreaking seems to be somewhat local. What does or doesn't work may depend on exactly where you are, or perhaps where you are calling to.

regret's Avatar
Attack-Vector Perl
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That's definitely true digitalchameleon…phreaking in a city is like trying to hack one system and expecting the same hack to work on another computer, each switching system is different. There are alot of places you can still bluebox like out-reaches of western china, parts of eastern europe still have analog switching systems, but you can only bluebox within the analog network. As soon as you try to access an international trunking line you will be met with transmission failures.

As far as redboxing, you will find that most of your red boxing successes in the US will be on COCOT payphones and not ones that are owned and operated by the ILEC itself. Seeing as COCOT will only be upgraded if the owner pays for it, you'll find some good'ol legacy pay phones at your local restaurants.

richohealey's Avatar
Python Ninja
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hmmm i think i may have to get into phreaking. I'm not sure how much there is to do in australia.

ghost's Avatar
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regret wrote:

As far as redboxing, you will find that most of your red boxing successes in the US will be on COCOT payphones and not ones that are owned and operated by the ILEC itself. Seeing as COCOT will only be upgraded if the owner pays for it, you'll find some good'ol legacy pay phones at your local restaurants.

yep couldnt agree more

regret's Avatar
Attack-Vector Perl
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You can do anything anywhere Rico…there are always quiet line test, modular sweeps, proctor test numbers, funny error codes, etc out there. It's the easiest form of exploration around…dial a phone :P

htmldesigner's Avatar
Zero Cool
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I have messed around with phreaking I have tones for quarters,nickels, and dimes along with the numbers of some of my friends and family stored in my mp3 player I have gotten a few successful connections as well as being scolded by the operator for attempted SE to try and get connected. Either way it's really fun to try to get connected, although I haven't been able to find anything really interesting "yet"

regret's Avatar
Attack-Vector Perl
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Most of the time I find the really interesting things in the xxx-99xx range. For example, the proctor test number for a payphone I play with regularly is 838-9939, just gotta keep scanning and don't get discouraged.