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Phreaking websites

ghost's Avatar
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Of course, there's CellPhoneHacks.com, which, I guess, is more dedicated to unlocking and cracking cellphones. Yet it is still worth a shot.

ghost's Avatar
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I wish that I had at least one payphone in my town that allowed tones. All of them are high tech and hard to break into. :xx:

ghost's Avatar
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Correct me if I'm mistaken, but I believe you can open up the receiver and cut the mute wire, then it should work. (I wouldn't advise doing that if you don't know which one is the mute wire though;)) Anyway, with a little effort you should be able to find a way around it. Happy phreaking! :)

[EDIT] I'll add some URL's too…

There's always good ol' PLA(http://phonelosers.org/), and there's some phreaking stuff on HackCanada(http://www.hackcanada.com/canadian/index.html) too.

ghost's Avatar
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What are the US sites?

ghost's Avatar
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Good links.:D