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Delete other peoples SMS's

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I just stumbled over this: http://v3.espacenet.com/textdoc?DB=EPODOC&IDX=US2005124360&F=0&QPN=US2005124360

It is Samsung who've made a new technology that makes is possible to delete a message you've just sent. As far as i can understand it sends a "delete-request" to the reciever of the SMS, and then the recievers phone deletes the message. Is it just me who find this a bit unsecure? I think such a delete-request will be pretty easy to spoof, and then just delete about any messages in the victims phone. Ofcourse it's not a very dangerous thing, the attacker will not be able to get any sensitive material. I fear, if this technology is really going to be used, that a lot of skiddys will begin to spam friends/enemies or even just random people with massive delete-requests. I would find it really annoying if all my messages were suddenly gone.

Please post if you know more about this technology, if the requests are going to be encrypted or something like that. Ofcourse such requests could be sent through GPRS, CMDA or another technology, but i think it will be sent through GSM since all phones have that technology, and as far as i know that will force Samsung to use a simple, or even no, form of encryption on the request. What fo you tthink?

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IICybeII wrote: Is it just me who find this a bit unsecure? I think such a delete-request will be pretty easy to spoof, and then just delete about any messages in the victims phone.

That's the disadvantage of progress. If you ask me, we'll have to install virus- and spywarescanners on our mobile phones within a few years. All the producers of mobile keep putting more and more functions in the devices and are thus increasing their possibilities but also their weaknesses.

Personnaly I like the idea that if you've send an sms and if you think about and find it stupid that you've send, you can delete it, OK. The only thing that I'm afraid of is that they won't pay much attention to the encryption of it and people will eventually exploit it.

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Yeah… I myself have a Motorola A925 wich is a pretty advanced phone, and there's actually already an Anti-virus program for it (even though there's only vira for Series60 phones right now) And i find the idea good too, but as i see it they either have to use some form of encryption, and hope that noone will try to break it, or just forget about it. I see more disadvantages in this technology than i see good things, i don't think it will be used very much…

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IICybeII wrote: Yeah… I myself have a Motorola A925 wich is a pretty advanced phone, and there's actually already an Anti-virus program for it (even though there's only vira for Series60 phones right now) And i find the idea good too, but as i see it they either have to use some form of encryption, and hope that noone will try to break it, or just forget about it. I see more disadvantages in this technology than i see good things, i don't think it will be used very much…

From what I hear, nokia is going to do a highly secure encryption in the next phone they make. Its supposed to be a heavily encrypted one way hash that is supposedly impossible to decrypt. (its mostly to have a secure line) We shall soon see if its able to be decrypted.

By the way, My nokia also has a virus scan/removal. I definitly believe we will soon need it.

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any encryption CAN be decrypted. they said the same thing about MD2, MD4 and MD5 when they came out. all you need to know is the Encryption Algorithm then you can make a system to decrypt (Yes I know it is not THAT simple) but you get the idea. No matter what technology brings there will be a hacker somewhere to bring that technology to it's knees.

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AldarHawk wrote: any encryption CAN be decrypted. they said the same thing about MD2, MD4 and MD5 when they came out. all you need to know is the Encryption Algorithm then you can make a system to decrypt (Yes I know it is not THAT simple) but you get the idea. No matter what technology brings there will be a hacker somewhere to bring that technology to it's knees.

absolutely true :D just like you build it.. u can UN-build it

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lmao my phone doesn't even take messages…my dad disabled voicemail:Pso yea i don't have to worry bout phone hackers.:D