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HBH Convention 07

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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Its in Brighton - UK.

Will be held in the summer, and i need to know when you can make it so i can organise a suitable date. so if you are comming, post here with the months your aviable till. Im thinking around mid July / Early August.

tickets are £15 btw and will deffo be worth it considering the amount of knowledge you'll gain and fun you'll have! last HBH Con was a great success, and this one will be HBH Con v2!

Saturday 28th July -> hbhcon (this is a full day, 9:30am - 5:30pm, packed full of decent lectures, demonstrations, video's, workshop, competitions etc!)

Sunday 29th July -> socialising, pubs, wifi, relaxed chatting day. (1/2 day, 11:00am - 4:30pm)

So please ONLY post below if you are comming and when you'll be able to make it.

ghost's Avatar
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Well, I am 18 now. Can kinda do what ever I want. :) Not sure if I can leave the country as some people here might know why.

But if I can gather up some money, and can leave the country I might come.

Might lecture on a few things also, I am sure there are a lot of people that would like to meet me and a few people I would like to confront that would possibly be going. :)

But yea, count me like a 70% in for any month. My birthday is in August FYI.

  • If I cannot come I will just remove this post. *

ghost's Avatar
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i would love to come but i have got a bloody busy summer this year.

Some thing you might wanna bare in mind (as im sure it will effect other members) "All writen GCSE exams take place between Friday 18th May and Friday 30th of June"

any time in August and im in for sure.

jaggedlancer's Avatar
The Localhost Hacker
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Im only 14 so i had to ask my mum 1st ¬_¬ but she said i could go :D. But if my mum dosent change her mind im definatly there and itl be awsome :D Unfortunatly i cant make july as i got SATs and august i got hoidays so august for me :happy:

ghost's Avatar
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i will try and make it but ill have 2 ask my mum as im only 15. wud it be possible that u cud arrange it after gcses as i wudnt be able 2 maker it if it conflicted with my gcses or came just befor as i will need to revise. if i can make it i will definately be coming

ghost's Avatar
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jaggedlancer wrote: Unfortunatly i cant make july as i got SATs and august i got hoidays so august for me :happy:

SATs as in you live in america ?? Your going to travel from america???

jaggedlancer's Avatar
The Localhost Hacker
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no SATs the tests we have them in the uk aswell :right:

ghost's Avatar
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key stage 1 2 and 3 all have SAT's in the UK. the SAT's hes refering to are ks3 (year 9)

ghost's Avatar
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ah right :)

ghost's Avatar
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it would be nice if it were to be recorded cuz im in the US and im going back to the mid-east this summer so sorry i cant be there hope its a great success;)

Zer0Man's Avatar
Greyhat in Training
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I'll be interested in attending HBH Con '07, either July or August is fine with me. I'm new to hacking and would like to learn as much as possible.

ghost's Avatar
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any time over the summer if i can. gotta get a passport O.o is their gonna be an age limit on this like with defcon? bastards held in a casino. only 21 and up. its not right :(

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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all ages are welcome.

it will be same layout as last time.

day 1 = talks / lectures / competitions / demonstrations etc etc etc day 2 = informal talks / chatting with members / relaxing / chilled out day etc

both days you still learn alot from and both are good fun, so if you intend to stay for the second day, you'll need to be prepared to find cheap accomodation.

richohealey's Avatar
Python Ninja
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i live in australia, but full yintend on coming. i turn 18 in september, so either after that or a bit before so i can be at home on my burthday i'm in. i want to see europe anyway, so why not include this? the only thing is that this will be my fourth big trip this year (i'm already going to perth this thursday, then sydney in april/may, new zealand in june…..)

getting pretty full…. but i really want to make this one.

ghost's Avatar
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ive missed the other ones so itd be awesome to come this time. I have parental approval xD so hope to be there

ghost's Avatar
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Dunno if I'll be able to come but I hope so… like someone else above I have SATs this year (I'm 14) so sometime after those… I should hopefully be able to come…

It sounds really good and I'd really like to learn more about hacking 'cause I suck really :P

nanoymaster's Avatar
the master of nanoy(.org)
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WOOOOOOHOOOOO convention number 2.

See you there everyone.

btw cheese, could you help me with finding a place to stay in brighton, somewhere with a decent meal rather than last time :p

hope to see you again system & cube aswell.

peace -x-

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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lol i was waiting for your post! glad to seeyour comming again.

hook me up on msn and we'll sort out a decent place to stay closer the time.

jaggedlancer's Avatar
The Localhost Hacker
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Any1 know where abouts in brighton its gonna be? as if i go i would like 2 get accomadation quite near as i dont have a car :happy:

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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brighton isnt that big, you can walk from residential areas into the town fairly quickly. and you could sleep in your car.

but if you want exact address im thinking of the same place as last time (depends on numbers, if they're too large then i hire another venue).

So at the mo, im thinking it'll be in Brighton Media Centre, which is on Middle Street.

basically in the centre of town, down on the seafront. theres plenty of hotels and BnB's near the seafront and near marine parade.

ghost's Avatar
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jaggedlancer wrote: Any1 know where abouts in brighton its gonna be? as if i go i would like 2 get accomadation quite near as i dont have a car

Mr_Cheese wrote: and you could sleep in your car.

Hmm… Somehow, I don't think that solution would work out…

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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llol opps ok, didnt read the "dont". my bad :happy:

jaggedlancer's Avatar
The Localhost Hacker
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LMAO!!! > jaggedlancer wrote: Any1 know where abouts in brighton its gonna be? as if i go i would like 2 get accomadation quite near as i dont have a car

Mr_Cheese wrote: and you could sleep in your car.

CrazyCaity123 wrote: Hmm… Somehow, I don't think that solution would work out… prob my fault coz i put a :happy:, i should have put a ¬_¬ if ya get waht i mean :right:

ghost's Avatar
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hmmmm :) second edition was fun last time :) might be there… will depend on date kissie

ghost's Avatar
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CrazyCaity123 wrote: [quote]jaggedlancer wrote: Any1 know where abouts in brighton its gonna be? as if i go i would like 2 get accomadation quite near as i dont have a car

Mr_Cheese wrote: and you could sleep in your car.

Hmm… Somehow, I don't think that solution would work out…[/quote] LMAO!!!! hav we got a exact date yet or is it still to be decided if im not busy and can get transport and acccomadation then im there!!!!

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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whole point of this thread is to work out a date.

so far late July/Early August seems fine. so unless people say otherwise it'll be somewhere inbetween.

ghost's Avatar
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I don't have plans that can't be canceled ;)

nanoymaster's Avatar
the master of nanoy(.org)
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any date, time, or place.. I have a job now W00T so I'll deffo be there!

ghost's Avatar
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Well I have parental approval so I should be coming. Even though I need to take 4 trains and a tube!!!!!!!!!!!!! rofl.

ghost's Avatar
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Yeah… it's a long way for me too not sure if I'll be able to come yet… I'm hoping my dad will let me come, he'd probably wanna come with me as he's into hacking 'n' stuff lol So I'll hopefully be there… soudns really good and I'd like to learn more about hacking (I'm a real newb lol)

richohealey's Avatar
Python Ninja
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good on yuo darkpanther. i like your attitude.

ghost's Avatar
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Thanks :P

ghost's Avatar
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i live in the u.s but i've always wanted to goto england,and im 18,so i'll probably come

nanoymaster's Avatar
the master of nanoy(.org)
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Last year we had setrop come who isn't from England :D since I am on the subject, you coming this year setrop?

edit just read previous post :p edit

ghost's Avatar
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im gonna see if i can come. i need to get two buses, a ferry and then another bus, then a train.. so if i can afford it ill go. il be 17 by then so i can go. in ireland we get 12 weeks summer holidays so june to august are good for me.

ghost's Avatar
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Has cheese figured out a date yet?cause im 100% coming,but the best time for mr would be in july.

ghost's Avatar
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How much do tickets for US to UK cost? My families kinda in debt right now and I really want to go. :(

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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how are these dates for people?

£15 a ticket.

Saturday 28th july -> hbhcon (this is a full day, 9:30am - 5:30pm, packed full of decent lectures, demonstrations, video's, workshop, competitions etc!)

Sunday 29th july -> socialising, pubs, wifi, relaxed chatting day. (1/2 day, 11:00am - 4:30pm)

let me know if you can make it. and i'll start arranging it, and putting tickets on sale in 2 weeks.

ghost's Avatar
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I can't make it. I'll be at the world jamboree for scouting :(

ghost's Avatar
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I'm there!

Will come with minimum of two people. Maximum of five.

I'll get back to you xD

ghost's Avatar
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july 29th sounds perfect

ghost's Avatar
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i might come down but i dont really no how i would do it like how much would a b&b cost im only 15 and if it after gcse then thats grate

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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BnB's are around £20 - £25 for a night, which includes wifi access.

most expensive thing is the train fair if you live far away.

perhaps ask your parents, considering the hbhcon is a educational event and you'll learn loads. even talks on how to break into the penetration testing market etc

so its worth while comming. see if your parents can chip in.

ghost's Avatar
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my dad will pay i will just have to booking advance and every thing get it all sorted but as long as it after gcse which i think it is then it all grave and hope to see you all :) ps wouldi be able to meet up with some one down there so thay cna show me were the place is were it held im not good with directions

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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a member of the hbh staff will be meeting people at brighton station at a designated time, and then escorting them to the convention venue.

rockbll4's Avatar
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i might come, my gf wants to go to england for a 'sernior trip' so that would be a good time, it will be after my bday so i might have some money :-D

What_A_Legend's Avatar
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Sweet i should be able to make it to day 1, but not day 2 girlfriends birthday, but hopefully i can make it this time.

Zer0Man's Avatar
Greyhat in Training
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Mr_Cheese wrote: how are these dates for people?

£15 a ticket.

Saturday 28th july -> hbhcon (this is a full day, 9:30am - 5:30pm, packed full of decent lectures, demonstrations, video's, workshop, competitions etc!)

Sunday 29th july -> socialising, pubs, wifi, relaxed chatting day. (1/2 day, 11:00am - 4:30pm)

let me know if you can make it. and i'll start arranging it, and putting tickets on sale in 2 weeks.

Count me in for both days, how will you want the £15 paid?

richohealey's Avatar
Python Ninja
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I'm definately interested, but because of work and sports etc, i won't be able to commit until probably a week ahead. sorry if this is inconvenient.

ghost's Avatar
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ZOMG the hbh con will be on my birthday. awesome!

SySTeM's Avatar
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Mr_Cheese wrote: how are these dates for people?

£15 a ticket.

Saturday 28th july -> hbhcon (this is a full day, 9:30am - 5:30pm, packed full of decent lectures, demonstrations, video's, workshop, competitions etc!)

Sunday 29th july -> socialising, pubs, wifi, relaxed chatting day. (1/2 day, 11:00am - 4:30pm)

let me know if you can make it. and i'll start arranging it, and putting tickets on sale in 2 weeks.

I'm hoping I can go, only problem is cube can't make satuday, and my mum only let me go last time because I went with him ¬_¬ so, yea, I'm kinda in a bad situation, I'll try my best to come though.

ghost's Avatar
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well im good for that date so i will hopefully make it. only problem is accomadation an transport. does brighton hav a train station? an i will probly need contact details for a b&b closer to the time

i live in york so it might cost a bit for da train but i shud be able 2 raise some cash or if i dont make the amount borrow off my mum!!

SySTeM's Avatar
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What_A_Legend wrote: Sweet i should be able to make it to day 1, but not day 2 girlfriends birthday, but hopefully i can make it this time.

Bring ya bird along too! :p

ghost's Avatar
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man, I wish this thing was nearer where I live… I live in the south of Scotland so you can rule me out :( I'd certainly be interested next year if you do it a bit further north :)

ghost's Avatar
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awww cant make it this year … next year it should be in wales =] Newport or Cardiff …. =]

ghost's Avatar
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Sounds excellent, i'd love to come! My hacking skills are pretty rubbish at the moment but this gives me a date to improve by :D let's see f i'm up for the challenge :).

Hopefully i'll be able to drive by then also which will be doubly sweet :D

Manchester FTW! :p

ghost's Avatar
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umm this was like 6 months ago.

ghost's Avatar
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Folk Theory wrote: umm this was like 6 months ago.

My mistake :angry:

ghost's Avatar
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There is trully a new wave of people digging up old thread. Watch out next huge bump will be from at least a year and a half !

ghost's Avatar
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wenz the next HBH con….. eagerly waitin:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|