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HBH The Game: Development Team

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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Yep you read it correctly. HBH The Game!

Its not gonna be dvd/cd based or up for "download" etc. Its all gonna be done online with a few apps and rooting challenges etc.

Basically, its just gonna be a series of realistic challenges varying from easy, to insanely hard and some that just require logical thinking based on iinfo gained in previous "levels"

seeing as the game is gonna be a collection is realistic challenges, it will also follow a storyline that unfolds the further you get etc and each stage of the "game" you'll be awarded various points.

I have a few ideas floating around my head and the final product is gonna be excellent!

But what i need is:

  • Advanced PHP Scripters (6)
  • Advanced ASP Scripters (3)
  • C/C++ programmers (3)
  • Creative Thinkers (post ideas below on storyline / exploits)

Must be able to work within a team and be happy to take orders and finish work within a deadline.

On completion of this project there will be rewards too. not sure if it'll be money/t-shirts, or if it'll just be HBH rewards. i'll work it out later.

If you want to be a part of this, please apply below or send me a email/PM. It'll be a great experiance working within a team to produce this whole system. You'll deffo learn alot too.

ghost's Avatar
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that sounds awesome, but im not the best coder :( and i wouldnt really have time to do all of it cuz i got stuff to do during the day anyway :(

cant wait for it to come out though :)

I-O-W-A's Avatar
[Forever Blind To See]
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what sorta challanges are you thinking of? sorta bored hacker gone bad or someone employed to do a good / bad cause?

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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well general story im keeping secret just between me and development team.

but im open to suggestions and i can add things in, so gimme a few ideas ;)

I-O-W-A's Avatar
[Forever Blind To See]
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how about an unkown hacker (blackhat) setting out on a claim to fame but on his travells thru the cyber world he turns to the a white hat (aint thought of why yet lol) finally gets his claim to fame (in a good way) then employed by some major company to find exploits for the clients, but the temptation is too much an his back on the dark side, but before he reverts, he developes a piece of software / script tht makes it impossible to trace him an the company he works for get taken to court an the director gets jailed, an he rules the hacker underworld?

lol just a thought

What_A_Legend's Avatar
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wow this idea sounds so cool, ill be loooking forward to this and i wish cheese and the rest of the programmers the best of luck :P

ghost's Avatar
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I'm up for the PHP side of it if you want me. I'm also a creative thinker -storylines lol

ghost's Avatar
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You can count on me in the C programming part. I'm not uber-skilled, but can solve simpler(even not so simple) tasks with C.

SySTeM's Avatar
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I might possibly be able to help out with the C++ side of it, depends on if I have course work to do and stuff

ghost's Avatar
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This is a great idea :D

I cant wait till this gets going :P Im not the best coder…. well, not even a good coder… so I don't think I'd be able to help on that side of things.

But, I can be a Creative Thinker (there are some perks to having an over-active imagination :))

I'll try and think something up :D

ghost's Avatar
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Someone from SysRq has leaked information from the forums

Or is this all just an amazing coincedence?

[edit] LOL same wavelength me thinks! [/edit]

Flaming_figures's Avatar
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I think this is a great idea but how isit going to play? (likewil it bea website.. hbh lol. Or an appliation, or- what? or is that too much information)

ghost's Avatar
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Good idea, should be very interesting :)

Would love to help out, sign me up for C++ programmer, and creative thinker :P

ghost's Avatar
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I hope thats wasnt a leek * looks from side to side *

anywhoo, id love to code for this, and i am always full of bright ideas, my best ideas are always when im lying in bed xD GFX too.

Is it going to be like slavehack?

ghost's Avatar
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Depending on how much work is needed I can most definately help with the PHP part. If you need some professionally done writing I'm sure I could ask my brother who has written the story line for a few games, the most recent being Sector 13. You can find a recent example of his writing here. He may not be able to write all the technical details, but certainly get a great background to it.

As for my PHP skills… They're good enough, I've made SAPI applications in PHP, used web services, made OO CMSes, recently I've started using GTK-PHP to make GUI applications in it. As for my security related skills. I have a pretty long history (in my email accounts) of reporting various flaws to various people including things like XSS on paypal, yahoo, bypassing captcha on e-commerce sites and I've re-found an Apache flaw (which had been fixed but not documented, so I didn't know) in HTTPs Expect header.

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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nice replies people.

i'll be keeping all of you updated once i've arranged times and space to start coding / brainstorming.

whiteacid, im very keen for you to be the "producer" and a developer on this project. i'll contact you soon and we can start organising things.

ghost's Avatar
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I am very creative.. As soon as soon as i saw the title i had a couple ideas of what it would be about but yeh..

Flaming_figures's Avatar
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I love the idea but I'm not much of a programmer. I'm insane creative thinking though, and know very basic PHP. (that being said it is tough to find a good php host) and C/C++ is a language I have been thinking of learning- still working on that. lol.

ghost's Avatar
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I can definietly help with the php. Im part of Team Firewire because of my php skills, and Ive made some cool things such as forums, advanced upload systems, dictionary attackers, news systems, etc. If you want to further test me, you can give me a project to do and I'll code it.

ghost's Avatar
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Mr_Cheese, what does being the "producer" involve? At first glance (with help of wikipedia) that'd include:

Developing and maintaining schedules

Overseeing creative (art & design) and technical development (game programming) of the game

Ensuring timely delivery of deliverables (such as milestones)

Scheduling timely quality assurance (testing)

Arranging for beta testing and focus groups, if applicable

Arranging for localization

Is that about right?

Well… in that case I'm glad one of my modules this year covers how to plan software engineering projects.

We may need to talk over something quicker than a forum, my msn is in my profile. PM me for my skype, or we can use IRC. Actually… preferably IRC just so I can easily make the log public.

richohealey's Avatar
Python Ninja
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hey. i'm a creative thinker. you'e heard some of my ideas for various things. i'm keen to be involved in the coding, but alas my PHP and c skills aren't up to scratch. still, if you need any python or PERL, just find me.

ghost's Avatar
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Well depend on the time needed for this i can help with PHP and C++. I have done lot of PHP stuff, mostly Ajax, Irc Bot, Website, etc. So for PHP i can give you really good help. I'm not really strong in C but i can code simple stuff and algorythm. As programming experience, i think i've started programming 4 years ago.

I can give between 5 and 15 hour/week for this project depending of the work i gotta do for school.

ghost's Avatar
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I can be a creative thinker

richohealey's Avatar
Python Ninja
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maybe open it to EM's for the story? or use name of EM's for characters?

richohealey's Avatar
Python Ninja
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maybe open it to EM's for the story? or use name of EM's for characters?

ghost's Avatar
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i like the idea for using EM's names for character names ;)

richohealey's Avatar
Python Ninja
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I personally like the idea of naming every character "Richo", "Richo2" etc…


richohealey's Avatar
Python Ninja
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I personally like the idea of naming every character "Richo", "Richo2" etc…


ghost's Avatar
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maybe sprinkle in a DSOM in here and there ;)

richohealey's Avatar
Python Ninja
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so it's agreed. every character in the game will be called DSOM or Richo. job done

ghost's Avatar
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agreed :)

ghost's Avatar
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No Caitys? :( Ouch. You guys suck. And I should have a free EM just so I can be a character. Lol.

ghost's Avatar
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ok we can have caity characters too :P

richohealey's Avatar
Python Ninja
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i think it's probabvly got to be the other way around. and yes there might be a caity… but she'll just be involved in a brief but confronting sex-scene aimed to draw in horny teenagers, after which she'll be killed and left naked in every shot for the same reason.

sound ok?


ghost's Avatar
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xD funny

but dont kill caity!

richohealey's Avatar
Python Ninja
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it would be better if caity were alive. perhaps she's the secret mastermind who set up the DEA!

ghost's Avatar
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my thouughts exactly and maybe im her evil partner in taking over the world!

laughs maniacly

strange how caity isnt commenting on all of this

richohealey's Avatar
Python Ninja
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then the army of dogs with bazookas that fire more dogs with bozookas that fire more dogs wit… (i think you see where that's going)

anyway they come in and smoosh everything. and it points out that while you were playing a hacking game the world was taken over by dogs with bazookas that fire more dogs with bozookas that fire mor…………………

ghost's Avatar
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umm… ok lol

richohealey's Avatar
Python Ninja
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yeah that was wierd. i started think"you know what would be cool? dogs with bzookas!" but then… "hey, what could possibly be cooler….. only MORE dogs with bazookas!" so then… "how to get more? i know whoot them from the bzookas!"

and then i put it on the web for all to see!!

ghost's Avatar
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dontspitonme wrote:

strange how caity isnt commenting on all of this

That's because I was waiting for you to finish talking. I was amused xD lol Anywho, I think you guys have ALMOST (but not quite) exceeded my creativity! :O Lol

richohealey's Avatar
Python Ninja
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ha ha GOLD!! oops. i just realised we (well, ok i) kinda killed this thread. woops! sorry admins….

ghost's Avatar
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This sounds cool. If there are spots still open I'm an okay C++ programmer.

ghost's Avatar
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richohealey wrote: i think it's probabvly got to be the other way around. and yes there might be a caity… but she'll just be involved in a brief but confronting sex-scene aimed to draw in horny teenagers, after which she'll be killed and left naked in every shot for the same reason.

sound ok?


How long will this take? Will it speed it up if I send you money?

ghost's Avatar
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Guys, if you need an entire page of posts to have a conv between 3 people, its probably best to stick to IM ;)


Cheese, whenabout you think you'll be releasing some sorta list or sumfing w/ people you got in mind?

ghost's Avatar
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yea sry bout that :(

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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what i'll do is get a user group going and then setup a forum for development discussion.

then i'll add members into the group and then can begin development.

ghost's Avatar
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Hey, I'm new to the forums but i`m currently studying software engineering(just started) and I'd like to help you out as a c++ coder… I've been coding for about 2 or 3 years now, so i think i'm intermediate. Solving problems & finishing stuff on a deadline will be no problem for me.

Regards, cAckle